UKPLab / gpl

Powerful unsupervised domain adaptation method for dense retrieval. Requires only unlabeled corpus and yields massive improvement: "GPL: Generative Pseudo Labeling for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Dense Retrieval"
Apache License 2.0
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KeyError during pseudo labeling #11

Open sudhanshu-shukla-git opened 2 years ago

sudhanshu-shukla-git commented 2 years ago

Hi ,

I am facing a key error while pseudo labeling. Looks like pos_pid selected is not found in the corpus.

INFO [] Begin pseudo labeling
File ~gpl/toolkit/, in HardNegativeDataset._sample_tuple(self, query_dict)
     75 query_text = self.queries[query_dict['qid']]
     77 pos_pid = random.choice(pos_pids)
---> 78 pos_text = concat_title_and_body(pos_pid, self.corpus, self.sep)
     80 neg_pid = random.choice(list(neg_pids))
     81 neg_text = concat_title_and_body(neg_pid, self.corpus, self.sep)

File ~gpl/toolkit/, in concat_title_and_body(did, corpus, sep)
     10 def concat_title_and_body(did, corpus, sep):
     11     document = []
---> 12     title = corpus[did]['title'].strip()
     13     body = corpus[did]['text'].strip()
     14     if len(title):

KeyError: '92974'

The corpus, I have has the below structure. Does the order of the _id and numbers matter?

{"text":"This is the domain text","_id":3,"title":"","metadata":{}}
{"text":"This is the domain text 2","_id":4,"title":"","metadata":{}}

Code to train:

    # base_ckpt='GPL/msmarco-distilbert-margin-mse',  
    # The starting checkpoint of the experiments in the paper
    # Note that GPL uses MarginMSE loss, which works with dot-product
    # Resize the corpus to `new_size` (|corpus|) if needed. When set to None (by default), the |corpus| will be the full size. When set to -1, the |corpus| will be set automatically: If QPP * |corpus| <= 250K, |corpus| will be the full size; else QPP will be set 3 and |corpus| will be set to 250K / 3
    # Number of Queries Per Passage (QPP) in the query generation step. When set to -1 (by default), the QPP will be chosen automatically: If QPP * |corpus| <= 250K, then QPP will be set to 250K / |corpus|; else QPP will be set 3 and |corpus| will be set to 250K / 3
    retrievers=["msmarco-distilbert-base-v3", "msmarco-MiniLM-L-6-v3"],
    retriever_score_functions=["cos_sim", "cos_sim"],
    # Note that these two retriever model work with cosine-similarity
    # This prefix will appear as part of the (folder/file) names for query-generation results: For example, we will have "qgen-qrels/" and "qgen-queries.jsonl" by default.
    # --use_amp   # One can use this flag for enabling the efficient float16 precision

Could you help in what I am missing or doing wrong?

ahadda5 commented 2 years ago

i'm exactly here :) still trying to figure it out some thoughts

I wonder what happens to that corpus in between being read from file and getting to that point?!

ahadda5 commented 2 years ago

o well! our mistake is that the corpus.jsonl has the ids as int not strings. The code dataloader expects it to be string so it errors at that Key.

Change the corpus.jsonl to have string _ids.

sudhanshu-shukla-git commented 2 years ago

@ahadda5 Thanks. Yes, even I have _ids as int. Let me change it to string and try again.

kwang2049 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for both of your attention @ahadda5 @sudhanshu-shukla-git! I will add a type assertion assert type(did) == str here.

This setting follows the one in the BeIR repo. I think string type is used instead of integers can make the IDs more universal.

kwang2049 commented 2 years ago

Have added the type hints and assertion:

EvilFreelancer commented 2 months ago

Hello! For those who have encountered this issue during dataset generation using pandas, the following data type conversion may be helpful for transforming a column:

df = df.astype({'_id': 'string'})