Open ironllamagirl opened 4 years ago
Hi @ironllamagirl You need to differentiate between huggingface transformers models like bert-base-uncased, and SentenceTransformers models like distilbert-base-nli-stsb-mean-tokens. These models are already shipped with a pooling layer, i.e., adding it another time is not needed.
See this example how to load a SentenceTransformers model and to continue training on another dataset:
Basically you just load it: model = SentenceTransformer('model_name')
And then you call the fit method:
Oh I see thank you very much!
Hello, I am reopening this since I am trying to fine-tune KoBert (Korean Bert) on my own data using the same code for finetuning provided in this package. Is this possible? since I believe it is not a huggingface model nor is it a sentenceTransformers model. Is it possible to load this model?
Here is the link to KoBert:
Thank you.
Hi @ironllamagirl I think you can find the huggingface KoBERT Model here:
Just specify 'monologg/kobert' as your model in the training scripts here and it should work.
Best Nils
Thank you! I am using these lines of code to load the model from huggingface:
word_embedding_model = models.Transformer('monologg/kobert')
pooling_model = models.Pooling(word_embedding_model.get_word_embedding_dimension(), pooling_mode_mean_tokens=True, pooling_mode_cls_token=False, pooling_mode_max_tokens=False)
model = SentenceTransformer(modules=[word_embedding_model, pooling_model])
But I am getting the following error in the first line. AttributeError: module 'sentence_transformers.models' has no attribute 'Transformer'
Hi @ironllamagirl Have you tried to update to the most recent version?
Updating to the most recent version fixed the issue. Cheers!
Hello! Thank you very much for the work being done on this package. It has helped me tremendously.
I am finetuning the model on custom data, using the triplet function. It has worked like a charm when the base model was 'bert-base-uncased'. I loaded it like this: word_embedding_model = models.BERT('bert-base-uncased')
The problem now is that I wanted to do the finetuning on a different 'base' model. I can't seem to include the already trained models provided such as distilbert-base-nli-stsb-mean-tokens or Roberta's. I am thinking using a more advanced model trained for the similarity task would yield better results but I can't seem to load it.
When I load the model using model = SentenceTransformer('model_name'), I get the following error later on during pooling: ''SentenceTransformer' object has no attribute 'get_word_embedding_dimension''
I would appreciate your thoughts on this. Thank you again