UKPLab / sentence-transformers

State-of-the-Art Text Embeddings
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Unexpected results using `quantize_embeddings` #2837

Open ahron1 opened 4 months ago

ahron1 commented 4 months ago

I am trying to quantize embeddings using the quantize_embeddings function. The results are a bit different from what I would expect -

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from sentence_transformers.quantization import quantize_embeddings
model = SentenceTransformer("mixedbread-ai/mxbai-embed-large-v1")

e1 = model.encode(["this is a test"])

e2 = quantize_embeddings(e1, precision="int8")
e3 = quantize_embeddings(e1, precision="binary")



The original e1 has 1024 dimensions. e2, quantized to int8, has 1024 dimensions, but the weights are all 0. e3, quantized to binary, is 128-dimensional and has weights values between -126 and +127. The datatype is int8.

pesuchin commented 2 months ago

Regarding int8 quantization: To perform quantization, it's necessary to obtain the minimum and maximum values for each dimension of the Embedding for calibration purposes. This is why the quantize_embeddings function has arguments like calibration_embeddings or ranges. If these arguments are not provided, the function will obtain the minimum and maximum values along the row direction based on the embeddings passed to quantize_embeddings. Consequently, if this process is performed on a single Embedding, the minimum and maximum values will be equivalent. These minimum and maximum values are used to calculate a difference in the following code: As a result, the difference between the minimum and maximum becomes 0, leading to NaN values in subsequent processing. When these NaN values are converted using astype(np.int8), they become 0. Therefore, when using the quantize_embeddings function, it's necessary to either:

Pass the Embedding results from the dataset you want to use as embeddings or calibration_embeddings, or If you know the value range, pass it as ranges.


from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from sentence_transformers.quantization import quantize_embeddings
model = SentenceTransformer("mixedbread-ai/mxbai-embed-large-v1")

e1 = model.encode(["this is a test", "this is another test"])

e2 = quantize_embeddings(e1, precision="int8")
e3 = quantize_embeddings(e1, precision="binary")



execution result:

(2, 1024)
(2, 1024)
(2, 128)
[[-128 -128  127 ...  127 -128  127]
 [ 127  127 -128 ... -128  127 -128]]
[[ 112  120  -60  -36  -88  -32   -6  -98    9   29   99   52   45  -30
    84   69  -67  101   68   65  -43   55   55  -61  -44  -37  -66  -21
    19   -1  116   -4   64  -88 -120 -108  -62  109  -19   27 -116   22
    -7   65   -9  -15   42   33  -29   79   53 -109  -63   12 -114   15
  -118  -26  -55  -86  -32  113 -111 -105  -15  -98  -87  103  -33   73
   -48   30  -40   57   32  -88  122  -74  -64 -112   33  -69 -100   97
   -69  -80   26  -28  -40 -122  109   34  109  -94   26   88  -23  -81
   -73   23   22   80   14  -22   83  -43   31  108   34  -81  -74 -117
    69  108   26 -119  -41   -1   48   85  -20  -14   86   77  -67   26
   -50  -66]
 [  80  120  -60  -51  -88  -64  122  -98    9 -115  -61   48   61  -45
    84   69 -115    5  100  -53  -42   63   55   64  -12  -46   50  -37
    21  127  118  124   66  -72 -120  -99   66 -116  -19   31  -92   22
   -39    7   -5  -15   34   37  102   14  -75   22  -63   44  -98   79
  -118  -26  -38  -18  -48  113  -80  -43  113  -98 -103  102   91  -55
   -64   30  -40   57  -32  -72  120   38  -96   16   43  -71 -115   99
   -85 -104 -102  -27  -40 -114   61   96  -17   35   27    8  -21   46
    55   95   22   64   46  -54  -61  -43   23   -4   32  -81  -74 -101
   -35   12   26 -120   -9  -21   17   83  -52   -6   22  -51   29   26
   -50   62]]

However, it might be a good idea to display a user warning when there is only one Embedding.

pesuchin commented 2 months ago

Regarding binary quantization: In the following code, the embeddings > 0 part first quantizes the embeddings to 0 or 1 based on whether the value exceeds 0. Then, using np.packbits, it compresses the binarized array by combining 8 dimensions into 1 byte. By doing this, a 1024-dimensional vector becomes 1024/8 = 128 dimensions, which has the advantage of reducing memory usage for embeddings.

If you want to maintain the original number of dimensions or preserve the independence of each dimension, you can binarize bit by bit using the following code:

e3 = quantize_embeddings(e1, precision="ubinary")
unpacked_e3 = np.unpackbits(e3)
quantize_binary_e3 = (embeddings > 0).astype(np.int8)