Accompanying code for our *SEM 2018 @ NAACL 2018 paper "Mixing Context Granularities for Improved Entity Linking on Question Answering Data across Entity Categories"
entitylinker = core.MLLinker(path_to_model="trainedmodels/VectorModel_114.torchweights")
output = entitylinker.link_entities_in_raw_input("Where is Taj Mahal located in India?")
Hi Daniil
I tried to get some sample sentences working and it seems to be hitting the right endpoints but I get no result for entities
(qa-env) debayan@sda-srv04:~/masterthesis/starsem2018-entity-linking$ python /data/debayan/anaconda3/envs/qa-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: size_average and reduce args will be deprecated, please use reduction='sum' instead. warnings.warn(warning.format(ret)) Sentence({'input_text': 'Where is Taj Mahal located in India?', 'tagged': [{'ner': 'O', 'lemma': 'where', 'index': 1, 'pos': 'WRB', 'word': 'Where', 'characterOffsetBegin': 0, 'characterOffsetEnd': 5, 'abs_id': 0}, {'ner': 'O', 'lemma': 'be', 'index': 2, 'pos': 'VBZ', 'word': 'is', 'characterOffsetBegin': 6, 'characterOffsetEnd': 8, 'abs_id': 1}, {'ner': 'MISC', 'lemma': 'Taj', 'index': 3, 'pos': 'NNP', 'word': 'Taj', 'characterOffsetBegin': 9, 'characterOffsetEnd': 12, 'abs_id': 2}, {'ner': 'MISC', 'lemma': 'Mahal', 'index': 4, 'pos': 'NNP', 'word': 'Mahal', 'characterOffsetBegin': 13, 'characterOffsetEnd': 18, 'abs_id': 3}, {'ner': 'O', 'lemma': 'located', 'index': 5, 'pos': 'JJ', 'word': 'located', 'characterOffsetBegin': 19, 'characterOffsetEnd': 26, 'abs_id': 4}, {'ner': 'O', 'lemma': 'in', 'index': 6, 'pos': 'IN', 'word': 'in', 'characterOffsetBegin': 27, 'characterOffsetEnd': 29, 'abs_id': 5}, {'ner': 'COUNTRY', 'lemma': 'India', 'index': 7, 'pos': 'NNP', 'word': 'India', 'characterOffsetBegin': 30, 'characterOffsetEnd': 35, 'abs_id': 6}, {'ner': 'O', 'lemma': '?', 'index': 8, 'pos': '.', 'word': '?', 'characterOffsetBegin': 35, 'characterOffsetEnd': 36, 'abs_id': 7}], 'mentions': None, 'entities': []})
And the hits at wikipedia endpoint look like this - - [23/Oct/2019:14:19:19 +0000] "GET /dbpedia2k18/sparql?query=%0A++++++++DEFINE+input%3Ainference+%27instances%27%0A++++++++%0A++++++++PREFIX+g%3A%3Chttp%3A// HTTP/1.1" 400 1949 "-" "sparqlwrapper 1.8.4 (" looks like this
from entitylinking import core
entitylinker = core.MLLinker(path_to_model="trainedmodels/VectorModel_114.torchweights") output = entitylinker.link_entities_in_raw_input("Where is Taj Mahal located in India?") print(output)