UM-R-for-EnvSci-Registered-Student-2021 / wk05-Tidytuesday-commentary

Repo for comentary on this week's twitter #TidyTuesday posts
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wk05-tidytuesday-commentary-hs #5

Open sotohaven opened 3 years ago

sotohaven commented 3 years ago

The figure from Amy Jones is one of my favourites from this week because it is clear and straightforward. Her use of ggforce:facet_zoom (a code we have not seen yet!) in this graph was really helpful when looking at relatively small data compared to relatively large data. I would have changed the colour scheme since the beige made it difficult to differentiate the other colours.

The figure by Christopher Nicault is beautiful, but I had to spend some time with trying to decipher what all the different components were. This figure would be great in a presentation where someone can walk the audience through the different components. However, as a standalone figure it would have been better if it was separated into two independent figures.

Material we have seen in class from Christopher: The R markdown header (with the title, author, date, output) and setup library() read_csv filter() pivot_longer() group_by() summarize() mutate() %>% (our friend, the pipe)

Material we have not seen in class from Christopher: slice_max() ungroup() left_join() There are so many things in his code that we haven’t covered yet, but these are the ones that caught my eye!