UM-R-for-EnvSci-Registered-Student-2021 / wk07-Tidytuesday-commentary

Repo for comentary on this week's twitter #TidyTuesday posts
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Week 7 #tidytuesday commentary #17

Open elainawaters opened 2 years ago

elainawaters commented 2 years ago

Week 7’s tidy Tuesday data deals with data from ultrarunning over the past 23 years. A plot I liked was this one where they used ggdraw and annotate on top of their ggplot for some interesting results. A plot I wasn’t a huge fan of was this one. I found it busy to the point of distraction. To improve it I might summarize the data and just display the mean with standard error which I think would illustrate the trend better. Something we have seen in class is the altering of a theme for the background of this graph with theme(). Something we haven’t seen in class, which is from the same graph above, is the plotting of the movement of the runners on the graph with the use of the lat, long, and time data.