UMB-CS-682-Team-03 / tracker

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Selenium testing in CI #30

Closed rouilj closed 4 months ago

rouilj commented 5 months ago

The Roundup has a medium sized test suite. This includes running against a live server (see test/ It would be good to get the tests @BharathKanama is working on into the Roundup suite. We have CI (continuous integration) testing via GitHub actions.

Since the selenium tests could run in CI or on a desktop, run headless chrome if the DISPLAY environment variable is not defined. If DISPLAY is set (even if it is empty), run the browser in "headfull"?? mode. The latter is to be used when running on the desktop.

If the tests won't pass in headless mode for some reason, one of the references shows how to start Xfb as a dummy X server for chrome to use in CI. But running headless would be better.

If there is a way to run in headfull mode in CI and capture the results of the run, that would be interesting info to link to. Implementing is out of scope for this ticket.

It looks like the github action workflow in .github/workflows/ci-test will need to be changed to load chrome (and maybe chrome-driver) using apt and 'selenium' using pip. According to newer versions should include which is supposed to handle installation of the chrome or other browser driver. From today's standup discusion I have the impression it's not working and the driver has to be explicitly installed??

The selenium tests should be guarded using an @skip_selenium decorator. See how skip_requests or skip_brotli are set up in test_liveserver. This will allow the testsuite to run in an environment where selenium is not loaded.

Create a class TestSelenium that inherits from WsgiSetup that is decorated with @skip_selenium.


The first answer at: looks at how selenium sets up their tests. (note I am not a fan of snaps which this answer uses to install chrome)

rouilj commented 5 months ago

In the .github/workflows directory you might want to turn off all of the existing workflows by renaming them with a .disabled extension.

Then copy ci-test to ci-selenium and edit it to make CI fast so you can get a quick turnaround. A full CI run takes about 30 minutes across 5 versions of python. Much too long for developing this test in CI. Once all the moving parts are straightened out, we can merge them into the main ci-test suite.

To speed things up:

rouilj commented 5 months ago

1) [ ] merge to main in test subdirectory of tracker 2) [ ] run selenium headless 3) [ ] identify/list requirements to run testsuite, packages/pip modules and document in

BharathKanama commented 4 months ago

As I've pushed the testcases in Git, I'm closing this issue.