UMB-CS-682-Team-03 / tracker

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Classhelper count display stuck when opening popup second time. #36

Closed rouilj closed 4 months ago

rouilj commented 4 months ago

I am using the superseder popup with page size set to 50. When I have a fresh page and I click on the classhelper link, I see:


if I page forward a coupe of pages, I see:


everything is fine. If I cancel/apply or exit using the window [x] button and then reopen the popup I see:


note the count display is at 101..150 but the items shown match the first image where I was at 1..50. So it looks like the counter is not reset in openPopUp.

rouilj commented 4 months ago

It looks like props.pageIndex in openPopUp() has the same value as when it was closed, but the prevPageURL/nextPageURL are reset. Probably setting props.pageIndex = 1 inside openPopUp() will do the trick.