UMB-CS-682-Team-03 / tracker

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If all items are displayed, the counter dissapears #42

Closed rouilj closed 4 months ago

rouilj commented 4 months ago

If I am looking at a superseder classhelper, I see:


which is correct. I am display items 1-50 (I modified the link to show 50).

If I search for a keyword and get fewer items than the 50 limit, the pagination component/item count disappears:


The pagination component should stay. Removing an element from the structure is a bit jarring. Giving the user feedback that all of the items are shown (implied by the final count usually being < 50/size) is helpful. Also a count of items shown is useful feedback if the user has some idea of the expected size.

In the second case, the pagination pane should show 1 .. 1 with the next and prev buttons greyed out as in #32.

rouilj commented 4 months ago