UMB-CS-Club / bostonbridge

Hack into Boston - How UMass students (especially those not from Boston) become better integrated into the city?
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[Project]: GuideGenie #9

Open shrutivarade opened 9 months ago

shrutivarade commented 9 months ago


Shruti Varade

Email Address

Email Addresses of Team Members,,

Project Description

We deployed a recommendation system employing content-based filtering with real-world data. Initially, we conducted web scraping of UMass Faculty data using regular expressions for data preparation. Subsequently, we filtered the professors from the collected faculty data. To identify the research papers of these professors and determine their areas of interest, we leveraged Scholarly, ensuring accurate extraction of research papers. Next, we preprocessed and cleaned the data, generating word embeddings. Utilizing cosine similarity, we matched the word embeddings to the user input, thus creating an intuitive web application for the recommendation system.

Inspiration behind the Project

I really love doing research, but finding the right professor to work with can be tough. I tried searching online, but it took forever, and the information wasn't always accurate. Eventually, I had to rely on a connection from one of my current professors to find the right match. This got me thinking – what if there was a better way? What if there was a way for people interested in research to easily find professors who share their interests? This could help us connect faster and even boost interest in research, which could improve literacy rates.

Tech Stack

Machine Learning Model: Gemini Bert cosine_similarity

Frontend: Streamlit - Python framework

Backend Pandas Scholarly API's sklearn

Hackathon Track


Project Repo

Demo Link

Demo Video/Photos

Anything Else?

No response

Rules and Code of Conduct

gaiborjosue commented 9 months ago

🎉 Thank you for submitting your project to the BostonBridge Hackathon 2024! 🎉

Hi @shrutivarade!! We've successfully received your submission. Here's a quick rundown of what happens next:

  1. Submission Review: Our judges will review your submission to ensure it meets all the hackathon criteria.
  2. Presentation: You will be invited to present your project to the judges and other participants, you will have 3 minutes to present your project and 2 minutes for Q&A.
  3. Notification: You'll be updated about the status of your submission as soon as the review is complete.

🔍 In the Meantime:

🍀 Good Luck! We're thrilled to see your innovative solution and wish you the best in the hackathon.

Best Regards, BostonBridge Hackathon Team

cogumbreiro commented 9 months ago

Video link points to an empty directory, not sure if it was suppose to contain something.