UMCarpentries / 2016-12-14-umich
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Find helpers for the workshop. #4

Closed bsmith89 closed 7 years ago

bsmith89 commented 7 years ago

We can send an email to the general UMSWC list looking for helpers.

Alix, @ASGeorge, Sonal, @arthur-e, Marc, and Ry4an, you're all listed as having experience with Python. (I don't have GH handles for most of you, and we should probably send an email in any case.)

arthur-e commented 7 years ago

I can be a helper; no problem.

bsmith89 commented 7 years ago

I just sent an email asking for additional helpers. I think 3 or 4 total is optimal, and most of the need will be during the first hour for installation issues.

I was going to see who gets back to me and if we get more than 3 additional hits (beyond @arthur-e), pick 3 based on Python experience and availability (both mornings preferred).

If that happens, would you two, @celticelk and @aerenchyma, like to take part in selecting? Feel free to ask people directly who you think would make good helpers.

bsmith89 commented 7 years ago

We've got 4 helpers, pending confirmation from 3 of them. Since both Ry4an and Marian will be helping primarily on Wednesday morning, if anyone has to drop we probably should find a replacement in order to keep an ideal learner-helper ratio.

My plan if someone does drop is to beg the SWC discussion email list.

bsmith89 commented 7 years ago

This is what I know about helpers:

Clearly we're overloaded on Thursday and borderline on Wednesday. I may suggest to Marc that he can prioritize Thursday, skipping Wednesday after setup.

Melissa's schedule may be out of our control, but I've asked her to prioritize Thursday. Hopefully that pans out.