Closed sunt05 closed 2 years ago
As of 04 Sep 2022, numpy==1.20.2
is used with QGIS=~3.10.X
a useful package for addressing this issue:
example of pyproject.toml:
I am not sure what I can do about this as it is the supy -driver that need to be working with the QGIS numoy version. Can you compile the f2py to work with a specific version?
I am not sure what I can do about this as it is the supy -driver that need to be working with the QGIS numoy version.
Hi @biglimp you are included in this loop mostly for updates and some tests when a fix is done.
Can you compile the f2py to work with a specific version?
Yes, I'll set up new GH workflows to get more compatible supy-driver built there following the approaches suggested above.
As SuPy, or more specifically the underlying supy-driver, is dependent on numpy ABI and meanwhile a key component in UMEP, it would be better to maintain version consistency with the numpy used in QGIS to allow better compatibility of UMEP with the QGIS ecosystem.