Default subroutines output the discontinuous profile at $H$ and other height (in the figure below, it was ~40 m agl).
Issue 1: Absence of $\psi_m$ calculation at height $H$
In suews_phys_rslprof, $\hat{\psi_m}$ is calculated at heights $> H$ but not at the exact height $H$.
This absence affects the profile below $H$ because the exponential layer refers to $U_H$ for the in-canopy profile.
Proposed Change: Update the code to include $H$ as the height where $\hat{\psi_m}$ is calculated.
Issue 2: Stability criteria in suews_phys_atmmoiststab
The current implementation forces stability to neutral when $\left| \frac{z-d}{L_0} \right| < 0.01$.
This criterion is relatively large for vertically resolved layers and causes abrupt shifts in $\psi_m$ to 0 within the middle of the layer because $\left| \frac{z-d}{L_0} \right|$ becomes small enough at some near-surface levels.
Proposed Change: Narrow the criteria to $\left| \frac{z-d}{L_0} \right| < 1 \times 10^{-4}$ to reduce neutrality in the stability function.
Note: This change may affect processes elsewhere in the model.
this is issue is reported by @nakaoipeirc
Default subroutines output the discontinuous profile at $H$ and other height (in the figure below, it was ~40 m agl).
Issue 1: Absence of $\psi_m$ calculation at height $H$
, $\hat{\psi_m}$ is calculated at heights $> H$ but not at the exact height $H$.Issue 2: Stability criteria in