Closed sunt05 closed 1 year ago
Here is an example of an input variable:
# `physics scheme` part is what we need to work on
type: # one of [input, output]
input: state # one of [state, method, forcing]
description: Effective surface albedo (middle of the day value) for summertime.
suews-related variables: :option:`AlbedoMax <suews:AlbedoMax>`
loading path:
Code_Paved: AlbedoMax
Code_Bldgs: AlbedoMax
Code_EveTr: AlbedoMax
Code_DecTr: AlbedoMax
Code_Grass: AlbedoMax
Code_Bsoil: AlbedoMax
Code_Water: AlbedoMax
data dimensions:
- (7,)
- remarks:
"7: { `suews:Paved`, `suews:Bldgs`, `suews:EveTr`, `suews:DecTr`, `suews:Grass`,
`suews:BSoil`, `suews:Water`}"
physics scheme: # ↓ these are what we need to work on ↓
scheme to add:
# the actual physics scheme name; currently those ending with "method" in `RunControl.nml`
# explicitly list all code associated with the variable
# e.g. `radiantionmethod`: [1,2,3,4]
- code 1
- code 2
we need to add a word definition not just a number for physics option (see spreadsheet - under options for suggested name so far)
a YAML file meant to be a central place to store all meta-info about variable exposed to users, which includes:
).radiationmethod = 3
).an example file can be found here, which is generated using this python script with some info filled using other files in this repo - details refer to the code.