UMEP-dev / UMEP-processing

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Testing: combining UMEP Processing v1.3 (SOLWEIG) with UMEP Processing (Tree Planter) v1.6.1 #11

Closed rarygit closed 2 years ago

rarygit commented 2 years ago

OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Python: v3.9.10 on conda QGis: v3.16, v3.18 SOLWEIG Simulation: As recommended, 1 hr time intervals for one day.

This might be already mentioned somewhere else.

An observation having used Tree Planter (UMEP Processing v1.3 and then updated to v1.6.1): both the SOLWEIG and Tree Planter simulations must be run from the same version of UMEP Processing.

That is, SOLWEIG (UMEP Processing v1.3) & Tree Planter (UMEP Processing v1.3) - Tree Planter runs OK
SOLWEIG (UMEP Processing v1.3) & Tree Planter (UMEP Processing v1.6.1) - Tree Planter finds no solution or fails with error.

Solution: You need to re-run your SOLWEIG simulation using UMEP Processing v1.6.1, and then run Tree Planter.

If this observation while testing is true, then an update in the Help documentation is recommended.

rarygit commented 2 years ago

This can be closed for now, and can be reopened later if needed.