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Is SOLWEIG updated to version v2022a? #18

Closed j0lsson closed 1 year ago

j0lsson commented 1 year ago


When I run SOLWEIG from "UMEP for processing" the log file indicates that version 2021a is used: "This file provides run settings for the SOLWEIG run initiated at: Thu, 01 Dec 2022 12:08:26 Version: SOLWEIG v2021a"

Also, I get a small discrepancy in the output compared to when I run the "ordinary" UMEP SOLWEIG plugin, which in the log file says SOLWEIG v2022a. But I guess that is expected if it's different versions?

I tested with the Gothenburg sample data, which is attached (with output for each case).


nilswallenberg commented 1 year ago


Can you describe the discrepancy?

Both UMEP and UMEP Processing uses SOLWEIG v2022a. The function producing the log-file in UMEP Processing will be updated.

Cheers, Nils

j0lsson commented 1 year ago

The Tmrt values differ between 0-1.5 deg (UMEP is higher).

I found that the Ts_deg parameter for Walls in landcoverclasses_2016a.txt differs. For UMEP it's 0.58 and for UMEP Processing it's 0.37. When I change it to the same value they both produce the same results.

What does the parameter represent and which value do you recommend to use?


nilswallenberg commented 1 year ago

Thank you! It should be 0.37. I will fix it in the next update. It has to do with wall surface temperature. You can read about it in relation to equation 11 in Lindberg et al. 2008.

Cheers, Nils

biglimp commented 1 year ago
