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Error running Spatial Thermal Comfort #31

Closed gusbenjaho closed 12 months ago

gusbenjaho commented 1 year ago


I got errors when running the TC tool, first:

QGIS version: 3.22.4-Białowieża QGIS code revision: ce8e65e9 Qt version: 5.15.2 Python version: 3.9.5 GDAL version: 3.4.1 GEOS version: 3.10.2-CAPI-1.16.0 PROJ version: Rel. 8.2.1, January 1st, 2022 PDAL version: 2.3.0 (git-version: 9f35b7) Algorithm started at: 2023-06-26T11:31:11 Algorithm 'Outdoor Thermal Comfort: Spatial Thermal Comfort' starting… Input parameters: { 'ACTIVITY' : 80, 'AGE' : 35, 'CLO' : 0.9, 'COMFA' : False, 'HEIGHT' : 180, 'SEX' : 0, 'TC_OUT' : 'C:/Users/BNHG/COWI/A133863 - FoU UEQ-projektet - Documents/4-Projektering/03-Beräkningar/Komfortindex/Test/Outputs/PET_Vind05_Klovervallen.tif', 'TC_TYPE' : 0, 'TMRT_MAP' : 'C:/Users/BNHG/COWI/A133863 - FoU UEQ-projektet - Documents/4-Projektering/03-Beräkningar/Komfortindex/Test/Outputs/Tmrt/Tmrt_2018_206_1500D.tif', 'UROCK_MAP' : 'C:/Users/BNHG/COWI/A133863 - FoU UEQ-projektet - Documents/4-Projektering/03-Beräkningar/Komfortindex/Test/Outputs/Tmrt/Klovervallen_Vind_0_5_ms.tif', 'WEIGHT' : 75 }

Initializing... Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users/BNHG/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3\profiles\default/python/plugins\processing_umep\postprocessor\", line 240, in processAlgorithm build = gdal_buildings.ReadAsArray().astype(float) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ReadAsArray' Execution failed after 0.04 seconds

Which I got help with by changing my output SOLWEIG directory from Tmrt to whatever else.

Second issue regarded the met file:

Error: Make sure format of meteorological file is correct. You canprepare your data by using 'Prepare Existing Data' in the Pre-processor Execution failed after 0.02 seconds

It seemed to work if I moved my SOLWEIG met file to the ouput folder and renamed it metforcing.txt