UMICTResearch / resume-me

Application to provide resume and interview feedback
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[Urgent] Efforts should be made to quickly get the jobseekers feedback on his or her resume #101

Open trdillah opened 9 years ago

trdillah commented 9 years ago

I added my CV to the system and it was there for at least 3 days and I never received feedback.

A notification should be sent to volunteers to "nudge" them to provide feedback and a notification should be sent to "job seekers" if they have a resume that has been reviewed.

I'll provide details for these emails later. For now, please use:

To job seeker: Hi {}. A volunteer has reviewed your resume. Please select the link to see/evaluate the feedback provided.

To volunteers: There are X resumes waiting to be reviewed on the system. These job seekers have been waiting more than X days (where X > 2) for feedback. Please provide these job seekers with your feedback at your earliest convenience. Thanks!

sulemandiwan commented 9 years ago

@Nishan @trdillah I took this one since it will be sent from within the feedback module.

Nishan, can I just use the email utils that you created for this or do I have to write something custom for this?

nishanbose commented 9 years ago

Hey Suleman,

I think we discussed this in the standup. Yea, you should use the function in utils module. It has the required documentation too.

Thank you.

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On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 8:55 AM, Suleman Diwan wrote:

@Nishan @trdillah I took this one since it will be sent from within the feedback module.

Nishan, can I just use the email utils that you created for this or do I have to write something custom for this?

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sulemandiwan commented 9 years ago

Yeah I remember I looked at it before you pushed the changes out so I wasn't clear. Will check the updated one.

sulemandiwan commented 9 years ago

@trdillah A quick question. Is this needed for tomorrow or can be done shortly after?

nishanbose commented 9 years ago

This should be moved to the next release as it would require investigation & discussion as to how we will handle this.

sulemandiwan commented 9 years ago

Okay sounds good. Going to update the tags. Won't worry about it for now.

trdillah commented 8 years ago

@sulemandiwan @nishanbose Moving this to Milestone 5 but can we discuss this in today's standup? Thanks.

sulemandiwan commented 8 years ago

This is a pretty easy task. I did the email for the feedback is available. I can do this too. Since I can't make the meeting let me know what additional functions you'd like. I can do this in next week's segment.

== Edit == My mistake. This is message to volunteers upon resume upload. Or periodic messages so as not to inundate them with messages.

umichict commented 8 years ago

Okay, thanks Suleman. How's the ranking feature coming along?


On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 2:16 PM, Suleman Diwan wrote:

This is a pretty easy task. I did the email for the feedback is available. I can do this too. Since I can't make the meeting let me know what additional functions you'd like. I can do this in next week's segment.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Tawanna Dillahunt, Ph.D. Assistant Professor University of Michigan School of Information

(734) 647-8296

sulemandiwan commented 8 years ago

It will be mostly this weekend that I will have time to finish it. I will have opportunity to work on it Thursday. So I will send an update Friday. And then I will work on Sat/Sun and finish it up. Basically behind by one weekend so instead of almost done it is not quite there yet.