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Cards to Common Accord #15

Open zmon opened 9 years ago

zmon commented 9 years ago

@dazzaji @HazardJ Just a quick note on what the process might be. Thought it would be a good starting point for discussion.


HazardJ commented 9 years ago

Here's one way to do it:

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

Looks interesting but I'd need to think through which environments of users this flow would he a good match for. It reminds me of an enterprise facing mitre flow I worked on with cards for contract clauses almost a year ago. Jim - do you remember that project?

For tomorrow I think we are planning to focus on a two way trip between web components and GitHub files The components will be elements in the form of cards from the polymer tutorial and possibly in a second alternate display form of header and action bundles arrayed on a slider that we played with on tues night. Once the components / open data (via simple accessible versioable GitHub files) is stable I think the next major push should be templates. The standard web templates out of the box from W3C should in theory be a good match for expressing CommonAccord infoemation in a way that is already accessible and intrroperable with many systems and workflows. Or if it is not intrroperable they should be documented and discussed. Ultimately - if intuition, the plain language of web conponent documentation and some spot checks are any indicators - all of CommonAccord should be capable of expression using web components and open web methods. Anyway, that is what we'd plan to explore and attempt at the next big legal Hackathon.

Hey Paul - is your mockup available in an accessiblr source file that is not the pdf ensconced final render? Maybe SVG or something else? Would be good to be able to offer potential iterations.

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

The hack is currently planned for tomorrow at 2-3:30 eastern. Could go later if people are really into it.

HazardJ commented 9 years ago

Hi - I put all the recent work in a single folder. This included the CommonAccord version of Paul's demo. For FERPA the headings. For HIPAA there are two files - one with just headings and the other with the full original text from the Yale document.

dazzaji commented 9 years ago


zmon commented 9 years ago

@dazzaji what is the connection information. @bryangw1 and I will be in the Tech class room close to 2:30 your time, if not a bit before.

zmon commented 9 years ago