UMKC-Law / DataSharingAgreement

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Dazza will add excellent model and data sharing agreements #3

Open zmon opened 9 years ago

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

I will add some great examples from prior work. Will add links and close this issue when I've done that - within a week is my plan.

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

For the hangout tomorrow, I'm working with CommonAccord to factor Data Sharing Agreements which can include informed consent (as per this thread) and which follow the modular and extensible "System Rules" approach along these lines:

  1. Three types of content: Business, Legal and Technical
  2. Three levels of rules: System Rules, Participation Agreements, Individual Authorizations.
    3,. Three key roles: Individual Participant, System Provider, Third Party Provider

So - it would be good to start with three documents:

  1. A Single TopLevel Doc called "System Rules" with Business, Legal and Tech top level sections and with further key subsections under Business for: a) Scope, b) Roles and c) Services;
  2. Participation Agreements for a) Individual Participants, b) System Providers and c) Third Party Providers and
  3. Individual Authorizations for a) Login to Third Party Provider Site, b) Share Datatype Alpha With Third Party Provider and c) Authorize Electronic Signature With Third Party Provider.