UMKC-Law / Vacant2Vibrant

Resources and step-by-step guide for acquiring vacant properties in KC’s urban core neighborhoods.
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Verify the following are in the Glossary - with full definition #35

Open zmon opened 8 years ago

zmon commented 8 years ago

The following are the tags used in the system, and should be explained in the Glossary

Title = title insurance/quiet title/other title-related issues ACQ = Acquisition of property NUI = Nuisance abatement DEV = Development/developers DEMO = Demolition CDC = Community Development Corporation RENOV = Renovation COMM ENGAGE = Community engagement FUND = Funding/financing EDUC = Education (associated with a school or university, or otherwise associated with education) Research = Research – group is conducting research on the matter NA = Neighborhood Association LAW = Lawyer or legal field Health = Health