UMM-CSci-4453-S19 / final-project-data-gangstaz-v2

final-project-data-gangstaz-v2 created by GitHub Classroom
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Country page #10

Open nkfoss opened 5 years ago

nkfoss commented 5 years ago

Explore wines from around the world and look at specific countries

nkfoss commented 5 years ago

Create stats for each country ex: highest/lowest price/score

baller's bin/high rollers: $200+

nkfoss commented 5 years ago

alcatraz select: cheapest wine

nkfoss commented 5 years ago

michael-small commented 5 years ago

Country's best rated: select country, title, max(points) from wineReviews group by country; Lowest rated: select country, title, min(points) from wineReviews group by country; Highest price: select country, title, max(price) from wineReviews group by country; Lowest price: select country, title, min(price) from wineReviews group by country;

michael-small commented 5 years ago

High rollers: select country, title, price from wineReviews where price > 200 order by country;

michael-small commented 5 years ago

Most expensive by state in the US: select province, title, max(price) from wineReviews where country = 'US' group by province;