Writing an SD interface from scratch would be a huge pain, so we should probably use this implementation for the pico:
The interface provided by this driver is a bit clunky, and it would be more convenient if our driver could just be an interface for a CSV file, so maybe functions for: new file, write line, mount / dismount storage?
read through every data log file, parse through till you find the last one and make a new one. Write function to write into that data log file. Close function to close the data log file.
Find the python code for write to a file.
Python code for creating a log file, by find all the files that have a log file name and making a new one. For example if you have log1, log2, log3 already in there. It should make log4 by find the last log and then adding a number to the end.
Writing an SD interface from scratch would be a huge pain, so we should probably use this implementation for the pico: https://github.com/carlk3/no-OS-FatFS-SD-SDIO-SPI-RPi-Pico The interface provided by this driver is a bit clunky, and it would be more convenient if our driver could just be an interface for a CSV file, so maybe functions for: new file, write line, mount / dismount storage?