UMich-BipedLab / AprilTag_ROS

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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No thing shows in the image view #3

Closed NamDinhRobotics closed 3 years ago

NamDinhRobotics commented 3 years ago

Hello Author, I am very interested in this package,

However, when I run a bag file: extrinsic_train15.bag in link:

And I tried to run the .launch file with topic name: image_topic: "/camera/color/image_raw"

But nothing shows in the image result,

Would you show me a bag file example, and how to config the launch file?

Thank you so much,

brucejk commented 3 years ago


  1. Have you successfully build the package?
  2. Can you provide what is the output of the terminal?
  3. You should see a window popped up and show the detection results.
NamDinhRobotics commented 3 years ago


  1. I succeed
  2. This is my terminal output: started roslaunch server http://dinhnambkhn:46479/



NODES / apriltag3_ros (apriltag3_ros/apriltag3_pub)


process[apriltag3_ros-1]: started with pid [27038] ###################### ROS ######################

-->Initializing ROS... -->done! -->Initializing NODE... argc:1 argv:0x7fffb3142838 -->In Node() constructor! camera_image_topic: /camera/color/image_raw OpenCV Version used: 3.2.0 [ INFO] [1617859321.545629893]: waiting for IMAGE...

(view:27038): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 14:22:01.553: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

(view:27038): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 14:22:01.603: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed [ INFO] [1617859321.742080757]: ...Finished waiting for IMAGE!! Creating apriltag_detector... Starting the APRILTAG LOOP -->creating tag16h5 family -->created tag16h5 family

  1. I saw the window, but it only shows a black view

Would you figure out the problem? and what is your exact bag file, and .lauch file?

Thank you,

NamDinhRobotics commented 3 years ago

Hi, I want to use these bag file provided in LiDARTag, bag file here:

Please help me, Thank you so much,

brucejk commented 3 years ago


It looks like your glib is not working properly so you have (view:27038): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 14:22:01.553: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed error and I think it is the reason why your view window is black.

You need to check your dependency.

I just tried the package again and this is my output: Screenshot from 2021-04-09 12-37-15

NamDinhRobotics commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thank you for your response, So I need to reinstall glib? Would you give me the exact bag file name, and launch file, that you use in bellow example?

brucejk commented 3 years ago

I used the same bag you tried to use and the launch file is the same in the package. I think it is working but you can't see it. Can you use rostopic hz /apriltag3_ros/apriltag3_tag_detections_array to see what the output is?

NamDinhRobotics commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thank you for your response, After I install glib, this is the output: ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311

process[apriltag3_ros-1]: started with pid [16756] ###################### ROS ######################

-->Initializing ROS... -->done! -->Initializing NODE... argc:1 argv:0x7fff703386a8 -->In Node() constructor! camera_image_topic: /camera/color/image_raw

(view:16756): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 23:51:57.662: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed OpenCV Version used: 3.2.0 [ INFO] [1618325517.665499287]: waiting for IMAGE...

(view:16756): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 23:51:57.708: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed [ INFO] [1618325517.860712547]: ...Finished waiting for IMAGE!! Creating apriltag_detector... Starting the APRILTAG LOOP -->creating tag16h5 family -->created tag16h5 family

And also, when I used rostopic hz /apriltag3_ros/apriltag3_tag_detections_array this is the output: subscribed to [/apriltag3_ros/apriltag3_tag_detections_array] no new messages no new messages no new messages no new messages no new messages no new messages no new messages

Would you have any suggestion?

brucejk commented 3 years ago

The package does receive the images and run the detector. It is weird that your rostopic has nothing. I have two things that I would like to clarify:

  1. Did you open another terminal to check rostopic list?
  2. Have you built the AprilTag library first?