Good day im getting this error:
qt.svg: Cannot open file... /.qt_material/theme/primary/slider.svg', because: The system cannot find the file
The location to these file is under the user profile so C:/Users/username/.qt_material - does this automatically get copied here ???
This only happens if i run another instance of my app in windows 10.
So while the app is running does qt/ or qt_material have file locks to these images ??
Is this normal behaviour from Qt and or qt_material ??
Good day im getting this error: qt.svg: Cannot open file... /.qt_material/theme/primary/slider.svg', because: The system cannot find the file The location to these file is under the user profile so C:/Users/username/.qt_material - does this automatically get copied here ???
This only happens if i run another instance of my app in windows 10. So while the app is running does qt/ or qt_material have file locks to these images ?? Is this normal behaviour from Qt and or qt_material ??
64bit: Windows10 Python3.10 PySide6