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Message library
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Taxonomy Merge #20

Closed jmatsushita closed 11 years ago

jmatsushita commented 11 years ago

Continuing from http://atrium.wiredcraft.com/internews/node/4813 CC @guillaumev @meeles

Hi Kurt,

Could you change the D7 features:

  1. Modify Message content type in the Feature to use the HR.info Population Type vocabulary: a. for the Target Audience field (keeping it's actual name) [Don't do this field only At risk groups] b. for the At Risk Group field (also keeping it's name)
  2. Implement an import hook that does the following: a. Prevent the import of the following terms (full taxonomy copied further below for reference) :
    • All Children under 18
    • All Women
    • All Vulnerable Groups b. Remap Messages that have been assigned to any of those 3 terms to their parent terms (i.e.)
    • All Children under 18 -> Children
    • All Women -> Women
    • All Vulnerable Groups -> Vulnerable Groups

Let me know if that's clear!




jmatsushita commented 11 years ago

Hi @guillaumev,

As discussed in the Wiredcraft Atrium issue referenced above, could you please implement the taxonomy changes to http://terms.humanitarianresponse.info so that we can remap our At Risk Groups and Target Audiences to your "Population Types" vocabulary?

Very best,


meeles commented 11 years ago

Hi, Just to let you know that I have changed the term 'vulnerable groups' to 'marginalised groups'. @kurtzhong I also went and changed the incorrect terms in D7 using the management links. However, I did not delete 'All children under 18' as there were 90 messages attached. Also, the drop down menu for 'at risk groups is not synchronised with the changes I have made in content manage management. Not sure if this should be recorded as a separate bug.

guillaumev commented 11 years ago

@all this is done, and I've checked that the terms were synchronized with the HR sites. I've also changed "vulnerable groups" to "marginalised groups", but this hasn't been synchronized yet. Cheers,

sn00011 commented 11 years ago

@guillaumev, is this ticket finished already?

jmatsushita commented 11 years ago

@kurtzhong No. Guillaume only took care of his part #issuecomment-19927621 while the original request #20 is waiting for your action.

sn00011 commented 11 years ago

Where can i get the lastest 'Population Types' terms? Now i only have this.


meeles commented 11 years ago

The terms are listed above under Taxonomy title. Additional terms include:

sn00011 commented 11 years ago

So now the population types taxonomy is like this?

- All affected population
- Children -|
            |`- Adolescents
            |`- Babies         
            |`- Boys         
            |`- Children under 5          
            |`- Disabled children
             `- Girls 
- Conflict affected
- Displaced Populations -|
                         |`- Camp population
                         |`- Refugees
                         |`- Repatriated
                         |`- Returnees
                          `- IDPs                              
- Families who have lost primary caregiverOther
- Host communities
- Men
- Other
- Other affected population
- Pastoralists
- Teachers
- Marginalised Groups - |
                        |`- All vulnerable groups
                        |`- Older people
                        |`- People living with HIV
                        |`- People with disabilities
                         `- Transexuals/Transgenders
- Women - |
          |`- All Women
          |`- HIV+ pregnant women
          |`- Lactating women
          |`- Post partum women (up to 6 weeks)
           `- Pregnant women
- Sexually active men and boys
- Sexually active women and girls
- Family members
meeles commented 11 years ago

Hi Kurt, i've edited the list above vulnerable groups is now marginalised groups. NB Please see Jun's comment (copied and paste below) about differences between D6 and D7 version. b. Remap Messages that have been assigned to any of those 3 terms to their parent terms (i.e.)

jmatsushita commented 11 years ago

@kurtzhong @guillaumev Just thought that since the new taxonomy is now implemented on http://terms.humanitarianresponse.info/ for Population Type, that our previous Message Library Importer is not what we need to modify to do the remapping between D6 and D7, isn't it?


@guillaumev Do you have a recommendation on whether we should modify the HRI importers or if it still makes sense to do the import with the ML importers?

sn00011 commented 11 years ago

Not sure whether this is the newest At Risk Group taxonomy on infoasaid.org, some of my question below are based on this term list.

Here are the rules i am aware:

  1. All children under 18 from infoasaid.org mapped to Children
  2. All Women mapped to Women
  3. All Vulnerable Groups mapped to Marginalised Groups

Some little questions:

  1. Why the All Women (infoasaid.org) will be mapped to Women (on hr platform) rather that the term All Women_(on hr platform)_ under it?
  2. Why the All children under 18 (infoasaid.org) will be mapped to Children (on hr platform) rather that the All children under 18 (on hr platform)?
  3. Affected population from infoasaid.org will be mapped to?
  4. Vulnerable groups from infoasaid.org mapped to?
  5. HIV+ people from infoasaid.org mapped to?
  6. Mothers from infoasaid.org mapped to?
  7. Sexually active groups from infoasaid.org mapped to?
sn00011 commented 11 years ago

@jmatsushita , any simple steps to get the Population Types terms set up right on my development evironment? I am using a copy of the hri.infoasaid.org and the Population Types looks like this.

sn00011 commented 11 years ago

@jmatsushita, i think we need to to modify the importer. Do you have an alternative place to suggest?

sn00011 commented 11 years ago

Sorry i didn't realize there was a feeds importer for the Population Types, now the vocabulary on my local is synchronized.

sn00011 commented 11 years ago

@jmatsushita: Now we are using the Population Types, should we drop the At risk groups vocabulary from HR platform?

meeles commented 11 years ago

Hi Kurt, please keep 'At risk group' as a term or heading as this is well understood by users and is more descriptive than 'Population Types'.

sn00011 commented 11 years ago

Just pushed some fixes for this. Please review.

jmatsushita commented 11 years ago

Seems to work. Closing.