UNC-Libraries / Curators-Workbench

This project has been archived and is no longer being developed or supported. The Curator's Workbench is an extensible digital collection and appraisal tool for the desktop. It is designed to acquire and process batch data efficiently while giving the user control over work flow.
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CSV files already used in other projects are not linked again #26

Closed gregjan closed 13 years ago

gregjan commented 13 years ago

Still seeing WB pull CSV files from previous projects (when trying to use the same CSV files for multiple projects). Current fix: wipe all old projects from WB before using CSV file again.

gregjan commented 13 years ago

I may have already addressed this issue in the new code, at least I don't see evidence of it in testing. There is a confusing drop-down for "project" on the crosswalk creation wizard's first page. It has not been doing a good job of detecting the project automatically, and therefore has been usually preset to the first project in the list. This may have been a problem for usability. I made it auto-detect the project more reliably from the current navigator selection.. I've walked through "many projects, same CSV file" scenarios a few times now and cannot replicate. I'll keep trying. It might easily be already fixed in the new code or else I need more help to replicate the issue.

gregjan commented 13 years ago

I am seeing the expected behavior in the following 2 project 1 CSV tests:

Both projects have their own "link" to the same CSV file. Both crosswalks have that project's CSV file listed as the data source. Both crosswalks are producing and matching the appropriate MODS records. I am closing the bug for now. Please reopen if BETA testing reveals it again.