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Firmware vendor site scan #5

Open mishaturnbull opened 5 years ago

mishaturnbull commented 5 years ago

Scan firmware vendor site, www.p2plivecam.com, to see if there are any interesting finds to be found.

The test I would like to be run is:

nmap -sS -T4 -vvv -p 1-65535 www.p2plivecam.com
nmap -F -T5 -A -vvv --script all www.p2plivecam.com

This will require root privileges and the installation of nmap. Is there any chance that this will cause damage/in some way alter the code executing on the camera? No.

Does this test prelude/follow up on others? If so, what? Depends.

mishaturnbull commented 5 years ago

Result of first scan:

Port Proto State Service
80 TCP Open Microsoft HTTPAPI httpd 2.0 SSDP/UPnP
10220 TCP Open Unknown
45342 TCP Open SSL/Unknown
mishaturnbull commented 5 years ago

Interesting results from test 2: