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GSBPM: Overarching Processes #38

Open Chris-ECE opened 4 weeks ago

Chris-ECE commented 4 weeks ago

Mention of Overarching Processes in the GSBPM Feedback

Statistics Sweden We will have some further overarching processes compared to the GSBPM, but these are still being developed and will be decided later. One of the overarching processes that we will have but that is not in the GSBPM is the design of statistical areas rather than the individual statistical programs, the results of which will be input to the production process of each individual program, with a clear connection to phase 2.2 that designs the program and its contents. UNECE suggestion: We already decided against incorporating design of whole statistical areas on May 28th, 2024

Belarus Furthermore, we propose in the revision of GSBPM to include the statistical framework management as part of the over-arching processes that go through all phases of the statistical business process (in previous versions of GSBPM it was attributed to over-arching processes with a statistical component). In our opinion, statistical framework management is of a comprehensive nature because the activities related to statistical standards (methodologies, concepts, definitions, classifications) are implemented in many activities in statistical business process, from specifying needs to dissemination and evaluation. The inclusion of statistical framework management in GSBPM will improve the alignment with GAMSO that provides statistical methodology management as one of the corporate support activities, and with the Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM) which distinguishes the core group of information objects "concepts" and refers data, metadata, classifications, etc. management programmes to statistical support programmes. UNECE suggestion: If statistical frameworks comprise methodologies, concepts, definitions, classifications, we would suggest these are outside of the scope of the overarching processes. In the case of methodologies, GAMSO includes Methodology Management, while there are specific parts of GSBPM that deal with items such as concepts (identified in 1.4) and definitions of variables in Phase 2.

Statistics Portugal We suggest revealing if some sub-processes or phases might be considered part of overarching processes. Examples: sub-processes 7.4 “Promote dissemination products” and 7.5 “Manage user support”; sub-processes of phase 8 “Evaluate”. The first two could be regarded as belonging to the overarching process “Customer management”. Although specific for each statistical operation, phase 8 could be perceived as belonging to the overarching process “Quality management”. UNECE suggestion: No change needed, because:

We suggest for each of the phases integrating a sub-process related to the protection of personal data (transversal to the process) that covers the entire process and all the specificities to be considered in each phase. UNECE suggestion: No change needed, because:

Istat We used GSBPM to map and describe the processes for the creation of the statistical registers. We found very difficult to map the analysis of the administrative data when they are collected. It includes the analysis of stability of data (compare variables and codes used with the ones from previous editions), the research of duplicates, the count of missing values and a first raw assessment of the coverage of the source with respect to the register population and/or to a statistical target variable (when possible). Our doubts were between 5.3, 8.2 and overarching quality management. At the end we decided for 8.2, because 5.3 seems more connected with the application of editing rules and quality management was too generic. In general terms, it would be useful:

INEGI Mexico We suggest including in the overarching activity “Data management” a reference to the concepts included in the Data Stewardship Report prepared by the CES Task Force. The example activities are related to DAMA; it would be convenient to add an example related to integration and interoperability. UNECE: Would Juan be able to make a proposal?

Statistics Canada

  1. Process Quality Guidelines - This adaptation of the GSBPM keeps the model’s original scheme of dividing the statistical process into a number of phases. This model for the quality assurance management process, defined both by aspects related to the quality dimensions, and by the phases of the statistical process, arises naturally from the ideas that quality is multidimensional, must be integrated at each phase and communicated in a transparent manner. A comprehensive approach to quality management demands that all cells of this matrix be considered. Process quality guidelines (statcan.gc.ca). Statistics Canada co-authored with partners from Ireland, Denmark and UK (and StatCan) a paper entitled “Guidelines for Incorporating Alternative Data Sources in Official Statistics” which was presented at the last Voorburg Group meeting in September 2022. In this paper we identify considerations for alternative data sources at each phase of the GSBPM. We also propose an iterative sequence of the GSBPM phases to be in line with the needs of quality assessments. I think the most significant change for the GSBPM would be to be less survey-centric. UNECE: We mention this here just in case it's relevant to the Quality Management OP, although the record-linkage context may not be directly applicable to our version of GSBPM. Some of the linked resources contain indicators that might be of interest for future work related to NQAF.

Insee France Make overarching processes more clearly visible in the model. When modeling a process according to the GSBPM, users often focus on the subprocesses in the diagram, overarching processes are sometimes forgotten or addressed in too partial a manner. UNECE suggestion: Yes, overarching processes it will be moved nearer to the start of the document. More guidance on the use of overarching processes would be very beneficial. UNECE suggestion: Guidance is out of scope of GSBPM, but could be a future activity, More specifically guidance about archiving UNECE suggestion: See response below about archiving from Finland.

Statistics Finland GSBPM does not mention the archiving of finalished statistical outputs and processed microdata on which they are based. Archiving is mentioned only in the context of the metadata management (archiving rules) and in the collect phase. In Finland, the Data Management Act requires the archiving of these finalised outputs and microdata. Statistics Finland considers the formatting of this information to be part of a sub-process 7.1 and updating it in the archive to sub-process 7.3. UNECE suggestion: It was decided on 9 May 2023 that archiving is an overarching process in Data Management. Preliminary conclusion: not to include in a Phase, but to improve OP Data Management description. - On this basis, archiving has been added to one of the bullet points that list activities within that overarching process.

Statistics Hungary the GSBPM defines 6 overarching processes (3 of them are described in the model documentation) that overlap with GAMSO Corporate Support. We suggest to remove the overarching processes from the GSBPM and to include the activities in GAMSO and redefine the relationship between GAMSO and GSBPM (see description above + example: 1. activity model). We suggest to remove all overarching processes from the model (see above, under General comments); UNECE suggestion: Don’t remove overarching processes from GSBPM.

Mention of Overarching Processes in the GAMSO Feedback

Statistics Canada In the use of GSBPM, I hear a lot: “Yes, but there is no automation in GSBPM. There is no HR is GSBPM”. It’s a misconception of what GSBPM is about. It’s about the Statistical production processes. But for those who do not refer to GAMSO but consult GSBPM directly, can overarching processes be extended to include the corporate support, just as an illustration? That way, those consulting GSBPM will understand that it is taken into account even if it’s not part of the model. UNECE suggestion: We think there is sufficient signposting to GAMSO from the overarching processes, and now that these overarching processes will be moved nearer the start of the document, this should make this aspect clearer to the reader.

Statistics Portugal Similarly, we did not find a clear reference to the management of statistical registers (including geospatial data). Even though it has a clear production-oriented impact and needs to be addressed within GSBPM, it should be considered mainly as an overarching support activity in statistical organisations. UNECE suggestion: We suggest this sits within GAMSO, not GSBPM overarching processes.

INEGI Mexico Add an activity under Strategy and Leadership referring to Data Governance and Management. Although it can be argued that Govern and Lead may include this topic it is needed to separate the working strategies related to the program and projects portfolio from those activities needed to agree on conceptual homologation, data and metadata management duties, policies, methods, and practices, data stewardship, interoperability rules, etc. This activity will provide a way to better understand the “Data Management” overarching processes from GSBPM and will help clarifying that it occurs at two different levels: corporative and specific to a process. UNECE suggestion: For the GSBPM revision, no action needed.