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GSBPM "Analyse" Phase #8

Open InKyungChoi opened 1 year ago

InKyungChoi commented 1 year ago

General comment on this phase

"Prepare draft outputs" sub-process

"Validate outputs" sub-process

"Interpret and explain outputs" sub-process

"Apply disclosure control" sub-process

InKyungChoi commented 9 months ago

Action points from the Meeting of September 18th

Action: InKyung to check what was the original rationale for including the term “accessibility” in version 5.1 of GSBPM.

=> It seems it has nothing to do with disability.... it came from GEOSTAT2 (see sub-process 6.1 in Annex 4 of the GEOSTAT 2) project and stayed somehow. If people are not happy with "accessbility measure", we can remove.


Action: Giorgia to develop a sentence or two about methodology for machine learning methods

=> Giorgia made updates on google doc

Action: InKyung offered to revisit 5.1 in Geo GSBPM to see if there is anything that should be mentioned in 5.1 for the next version of GSBPM.

=> GeoGSBPM has quite some addition under this sub-process 5.1 Integrate data. This part seems useful to add including the footnote:

Geospatial information (e.g. address, x- and y-coordinate, or a geographical name) can play an important role in bringing together information from various domains by enabling integration of datasets from different sources using the location information as a matching key variable (e.g. integrating administrative data with survey data using address or postal code that exists in both datasets). To ensure the quality of the integration, standardising the geospatial information in the different datasets is critical. This standardisation would normally take place before the integration of datasets and can be done through, for example, matching location information in the datasets with a centralised standard system (e.g. address matching, geocoding) (footnote) which should be part of the national spatial data infrastructure.

footnote: The address matching and geocoding can be seen as data integration on their own (e.g. matching address in a dataset with valid address in an address register or geocode database). However, in this paper, the term “data integration” is used for the datasets that are of primary interest for the current business process and the address matching or geocoding are considered as a part of the standardisation or coding activity for this integration to take place. Note also that address matching and geocoding can be modelled as a process that uses a chain of sub-processes in Phase 5 (e.g. matching and linking address in survey dataset with geocoded address (sub-process 5.1), assigning the corresponding geocode (sub-process 5.2) while iteratively reviewing the address (sub-process 5.3) and editing / imputing (sub-process 5.4) where necessary