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GSIM information object, class, entity? #1

Closed FlavioRizzolo closed 2 years ago

FlavioRizzolo commented 2 years ago

GSIM has used a term "information object" but this is confusing as it often associated with instances - should we change it to be aligned with other standards? For example, during the revision of the GSIM Communication Paper, a comment was made "Class is a term used by UML, the representation language of the GSIM model. In UML, an object is an instance of a class, so the term is confusing for those who know UML."

FrancineK commented 2 years ago

Objects Represent an entity and the basic building block. Class Blue print of an object. Classes: A template for creating objects and implementing behavior in a system. In UML, a class represents an object or a set of objects that share a common structure and behavior. They're represented by a rectangle that includes rows of the class name, its attributes, and its operations. When you draw a class in a class diagram, you're only required to fill out the top row—the others are optional if you'd like to provide more detail. Source: Lucidchart

InKyungChoi commented 2 years ago

GSIM revision team decision (19 Jan. 2021) : to change "information object" to "class"

Issue to be closed

FlavioRizzolo commented 2 years ago

Resolution: refer to former GSIM information object as GSIM class.