The Python library to Evaluate ALL
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Compute Metrics without using files #1

Open JacopoRaffi opened 2 months ago

JacopoRaffi commented 2 months ago

I would like to ask if it is possible to call the "evaluate()" function of the class "PyEvALLEvaluation" without passing files as parameters, but instead using lists(or other python object) as predictions and golds.

Thank you for the answer

jCarrilloDeAlbornoz commented 2 months ago

Hi Jacopo,

Thanks a lot for the suggestions. It is a insteresting feature to be included. I will add to my TODO list.


JacopoRaffi commented 2 months ago

Hi, Thank you very much for the answer.


Buzzeitor30 commented 2 weeks ago


Sorry to bother, but do we have any updates regarding this? Regards