UNEP-Economy-Division / GLAD-ElementaryFlowResources

This is a repository for elementary flow lists, mapping files, and other resources pertinent to the Global LCA Data Access (GLAD) network initiative and data portal. If you want to contribute please contact Jonathas De Mello [jonathas.demello@un.org] and Claudia Giacovelli [claudia.giacovelli@un.org].
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using the mapping ilcd - ecoinvent for activities of the lca commons #11

Open mfastudillo opened 1 year ago

mfastudillo commented 1 year ago


I am trying to create an importer to use datasets in ilcd format in brightway and I am using the mapping files provided in this repo. The current mapping kind of works for datasets extracted from GLAD , although many elementary flows do not find an equivalent in ecoinvent EF list and have to be dropped for the moment.


I am trying also datasets from lcacommons that is a total failure. None of the elementary flows seems to match.

the https://github.com/mfastudillo/brightway2-io/issues/6

Are these known issues ?

cmutel commented 1 year ago

@mfastudillo Thanks for raising these issues, you aren't the only one trying to use these resources and getting a bit stuck. I have set up https://github.com/Depart-de-Sentier/happy_family/, as a central point for discussing community-wide consensus formats and algorithms for data exchange, including the effective use of this repository. It would be great if you could contribute some example code there, especially if it shows the specific issues that you have encountered.

The happy_family repo has EF lists for ecoinvent 3.6-3.9; there are changes with each version, so depending on what you are using I would not be surprised if there are incompatibilities. Again, reading through your issues, the most effective way to provide support is with a working example of code which doesn't work as expected.

WesIngwersen commented 1 year ago

I don't think the lack of a common mapping format is the source of the problem here. But just some background on that:

The mapping format used in these mapping files is described here https://github.com/UNEP-Economy-Division/GLAD-ElementaryFlowResources/blob/master/Formats/FlowMapping.md

It is a derivative of the fedelemflowlist flow mapping format https://github.com/USEPA/Federal-LCA-Commons-Elementary-Flow-List/blob/master/format%20specs/FlowMapping.md

Agreeing on that mapping format was a first step the Nomenclature group that worked on this did Some new fields where added to provide more metadata.

I replied to the second comment about LCA commons flows not matching in https://github.com/mfastudillo/brightway2-io/issues/6

mfastudillo commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I was using the ilcd-ecoinvent mapping with the datasets from the lca commons (wrong) with the FEDEFL - ecoinvent the matching was much better