Only the pregnant girls that have been mapped by a community health worker into the system will appear as a list when one clicks on this feature.
User story
As a village health worker, I should be able to view a list of mapped pregnant girls assigned to me within the system so that I can be able to edit any of their details in case of any changes.
Acceptance criteria
The mobile application should enable the health worker to edit the girl's details for any changes made.
The mobile application should provide notifications for wrong data inputs and prevent the user from moving onto the next action.
If a device does not have an internet connection, it should notify the user and store the data provided on the device's memory
The girl's details must change according to the new updates made.
Background Only the pregnant girls that have been mapped by a community health worker into the system will appear as a list when one clicks on this feature.
User story As a village health worker, I should be able to view a list of mapped pregnant girls assigned to me within the system so that I can be able to edit any of their details in case of any changes.
Acceptance criteria