Modeling the DOE/Sandia RM2 cross-flow turbine with CACTUS.
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Try adjusting DS model coefficients #22

Open petebachant opened 8 years ago

petebachant commented 8 years ago

See if this can get us closer to measured values. Try at one TSR first, and then see if the curves can match up.

petebachant commented 8 years ago

Check out the LB_UpdateStates subroutine on line 183 in mod/dystl.f95.

petebachant commented 8 years ago

Increasing Tp does bring mean C_P up a bit.

petebachant commented 8 years ago

Did run a Tp sweep:


petebachant commented 8 years ago

Need to add plotting for performance curve comparison.

petebachant commented 8 years ago

Here's what it will look like for Tp=14.7:
