This one is just a reflection: Could we add tags to the searchable indicators (under query data, searchable indicators) for the domains to which they are relevant, in addition to the primary domain listed? For example, under children's climate risk index, in the next search bar, you can choose one or multiple domains. I selected education and it said none were available, but when I remove the domain, there are some indicators in fact under children's climate risk index that are relevant to education. Would this be possible?
This one is just a reflection: Could we add tags to the searchable indicators (under query data, searchable indicators) for the domains to which they are relevant, in addition to the primary domain listed? For example, under children's climate risk index, in the next search bar, you can choose one or multiple domains. I selected education and it said none were available, but when I remove the domain, there are some indicators in fact under children's climate risk index that are relevant to education. Would this be possible?