# ....
def santino(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
chat_id = update.message.chat_id
if (chat_id == -1001031103640 or chat_id == config_map['dev_group_chatid']):
The dictionary config_map is not imported. This raise an exception when an user calls /santino.
Meanwhile, I'd like to write the easter eggs function better, using the choice function instead of get a random integer and then check it with if-elif-else statement.
I found an error on this page https://github.com/UNICT-DMI/Telegram-DMI-Bot/blob/master/module/easter_egg_func.py#L16 In short:
The dictionary
is not imported. This raise an exception when an user calls/santino
. Meanwhile, I'd like to write the easter eggs function better, using thechoice
function instead of get a random integer and then check it with if-elif-else statement.