UNIMOODLE / moodle-local_coursetransfer

Lote P3.2 - Restauración de cursos entre plataformas
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Functionality 5. Teacher plug-in to restore teacher courses between platforms controlled by a moodle capabilities set #21

Closed mapemo4 closed 2 weeks ago

mapemo4 commented 1 month ago

Bugs reported on the latest published version of the plugin on github (2024031800)

Teacher UI

1 Review functionality to restore courses when the teacher does not have the capability to restore with user data.

Steps to reproduce: Home More> Restore Remote Course> Restore Remote Course >To restore a course from another platform, you must first select the site where the original course is located.

Expected Result

A teacher should be able to restore a course even if the course has user data but a teacher should not have the capability to achive with the user data restoration.

The desirable thing in our case is that we do not give the capability to restore a remote course with user data although that it should not prevent a teacher from restoring the course with its content of activities and resources.

2. Teacher capabilities

The permissions/capabilities issue is related to the courses a teacher should see. A teacher should not see all the origin courses, so a teacher should only see the courses in which he/she is enrolled as a teacher:

Steps to reproduce: Home More> Restore Remote Course> Restore Remote Course >To restore a course from another platform, you must first select the site where the original course is located. Click Next. > Restore Remote Course. A screen shows Restore Remote Course - Select the course to restore.

Actual result:

Now, a screen appears with a list of available courses.

It seems to be the origin list courses

Expected result

Check Permissions if the teacher is enrolled in these courses and show these courses in this screen.

xpazv commented 1 month ago

Under development

xpazv commented 1 month ago

Point 2 will be included in next version

mapemo4 commented 2 weeks ago

@xpazv in which version?

xpazv commented 2 weeks ago

Last version available

mapemo4 commented 2 weeks ago

A teacher with version 1.1 sees only his courses. This bug has been fixed.