UNIMOODLE / moodle-local_coursetransfer

Lote P3.2 - Restauración de cursos entre plataformas
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Functionality 8. Ad-hoc tasks #9

Closed mapemo4 closed 1 month ago

mapemo4 commented 4 months ago

1- It is verified that the ad-hoc tasks are processed correctly. 2- Note that when the task fails, they are recorded in the ad-hoc task table indefinitely.

xpazv commented 4 months ago

In review.

xpazv commented 4 months ago

Can you show us a register of failed tasks to review the details?

The possible solutions would be:

mapemo4 commented 4 months ago

Can you show us a register of failed tasks to review the details?

The possible solutions would be:

* Each adhoc task check for previous failed executions

* Clean up task  that removes failed exections,


Reviewing the current status of the ad hoc queue of moodle 4.1 and 3.11 systems and the log of plugin operations we see, for example, on the 4.1 platform this failed restore log:


This ad hoc log corresponds in the operations log interface to an error message 11100:


We don't know if this is what is requested for this 'issue'. If it is not, report us.

Regarding when to clean up these failed tasks, we don't know which is better, an ad hoc execution task cleaning up the previous ones or a new cleanup task cleaning up all of them. We lean towards the latter. While it is important to clean up failed ad hoc logs in one way or another, the important thing is to know when it is failed. There are several causes of failure (backup, a transfer (mbz) or restore on target) in the three queued operations or tasks. When Moodle attempts to cron the task, it will increment the next runtime and generate a new timestamp for the next execution. The important thing is to know when it has failed, notify the administrator or teacher that it is failed (through the operations log? /mail?) and, above all, delete the log from the ad hoc table.

mapemo8 commented 3 months ago

According to your comment, "There are several causes of failure (backup, a transfer (mbz) or restore on target) in the three queued operations or tasks. When Moodle attempts to cron the task, it will increment the next runtime and generate a new timestamp for the next execution" We have tested when deleting a course the ad hoc task fails with the following error: There is an error in ad hoc task: local_coursetransfer\task\remove_course_task,Argument 1 passed to mod_bigbluebuttonbn\instance::__construct() must be a cm_info instance, null given, called on /var/moodlenew/WEB/www/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/class Backtracking:

We ran 1 ad hoc tasks found on Mon, 25 Mar 2024 13:37:01 +0100 Cron script completed successfully Cron completed at 13:37:03. Memory used 51.8 MB. The execution took 1.978569 seconds

xpazv commented 3 months ago

This error happens only with the big blue button module or it happens with any module present?

Could you please provide a copy of the course backup, so we can reproduce the error @mapemo4 ?

mapemo4 commented 3 months ago

The error happens using the big blue button module in moodlerec @xpazv

xpazv commented 3 months ago

What is moodlerec @mapemo4? Which Moodle version did you use when getting the error?

xpazv commented 3 months ago

We will try to reproduce it, as the error comes specifically from big blue button module, which is not part of the development, so we must check first if we have margin to fix it, because we use the delete_course moodle standard function.

If you can provide a course backup file, without user data, it would help us to reproduce and debug the issue.

mapemo4 commented 3 months ago

What is moodlerec @mapemo4? Which Moodle version did you use when getting the error?

The Moodle version is 4.1.9.

mapemo4 commented 3 months ago

We will try to reproduce it, as the error comes specifically from big blue button module, which is not part of the development, so we must check first if we have margin to fix it, because we use the delete_course moodle standard function. If you can provide a course backup file, without user data, it would help us to reproduce and debug the issue.

An example: When deleting a course, the ad hoc task fails:

Adhoc task failed: local_coursetransfer\task\remove_course_task,Argument 1 passed to mod_bigbluebuttonbn\instance::__construct() must be an instance of cm_info, null given, called in /var/moodlenew/WEB/www/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/class Backtrace:

Ran 1 adhoc tasks found at Mon, 25 Mar 2024 13:37:01 +0100 Cron script completed correctly Cron completed at 13:37:03. Memory used 51.8 MB. Execution took 1.978569 seconds

xpazv commented 3 months ago

The error message seems to be caused by a Moodle 4.1.2 minor bug @mapemo4

Please, check https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-77924

Could you please confirm if the bigbluebutton plugin is disabled in that platform?

mapemo4 commented 2 months ago

The error message seems to be caused by a Moodle 4.1.2 minor bug @mapemo4

Please, check https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-77924

Could you please confirm if the bigbluebutton plugin is disabled in that platform?

@xpazv Yes, we actually have this plugin disabled. We are going to enable it. Our Moodle version is 4.1.9.

xpazv commented 1 month ago

Can we close the issue as it is not related with the plugin?

mapemo4 commented 1 month ago

Can we close the issue as it is not related with the plugin?

Yes, @xpazv Thank you