UNLV-CS472-672 / 2024-S-GROUP1-Roadwatch

The Roadwatch project aims to revolutionize how communities interact with and navigate their local road systems by providing a combined platform for reporting road conditions, alerting users to hazards, allowing community input, and influencing road infrastructure improvements.
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Style Audit: Ensure Mobile Responsiveness #130

Open KingJordan152 opened 1 week ago

KingJordan152 commented 1 week ago


Since we'll be presenting this website in it's mobile PWA form, it's in our best interest to ensure all aspects of the site look good within the mobile viewport.

For this ticket, comb through all parts of the website on a mobile device to ensure it looks appropriate and presentable. If there are any issues on any devices, fix them.

Acceptance Criteria

If you're unsure about whether something should be fixed, either leave a comment here or address it to the group Discord.

KingJordan152 commented 1 week ago

Relates to #71