UNLV-CS472-672 / 2024-S-GROUP5-Munch

The Munch app is a social platform where users create profiles by selecting preferred foods.
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Add API Call For User Edits #109

Closed razonm closed 3 months ago

razonm commented 3 months ago

Description / Changes Made

Portions of this code that utilized AI generation

None used. Was able to code everything based on previous work and documentation.

Screenshots (optional)


How to Test

  1. Start up Firebase emulator, server.py, and the front end
  2. Log into a user
  3. Navigate to Profile
  4. Press the edit button in the corner
  5. Edit your username and/or your bio
  6. Press the button
  7. The components should reload. When you go back to the profile page, you should see the changes reflected
  8. If you look at the Firebase emulator, you should see your edits also there
