UNLV-ShaneD / unlvCS473kilo

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Line and Pie Charts #11

Open dabinett opened 12 years ago

dabinett commented 12 years ago

I know the Pie Chart is optional, but what information does either graph display?

I imagine the Line chart displays the budget for one particular item over a range of time. I'm guessing the Pie Chart shows the budget relationships against various items?

In either case, I'm unsure of where I'm getting the item data. Who's telling/passing me the item associated with a chart? I'm pretty sure I'll be getting the Line chart data from Dane from Projecting but for the pie...

strongd commented 12 years ago

Okay, well with what I know about how this works, I'm passing you the finalized, projected data with regards to the frequencies so you can plot the line graph over the desired period of time. This is so the user can learn where they're headed.

A pie graph would graphically represent something different than what the line graph would show the user. If a pie chart is included in our final product, I'm going to guess that it'll represent how much of your budget goes to a certain area. Your total budget would be the whole pie, and the slices would each be a category (i.e. groceries, gas, entertainment, etc.). However, I'm not sure how useful that is for a projection into the immediate future. It seems more useful for knowing what your allocation of resources is at the current moment so you can get a picture of what you're spending.

UNLV-ShaneD commented 12 years ago

The pie chart is really kind of out of the official scope of the project, which is why it is optional. It would be, as Dane said, a way to see how your resources are allocated into items.

I should use this issue to note that we will be renaming a few entities: transactionEntity -> monetaryTransaction itemEntity -> expense I will not be changing these, however, until all of our code is synchronized in order to prevent merge conflicts. But you can see how this change is useful; "A pie chart plots the historic allocation of moneyValue to individual expenses."

That said, the pie chart is on the "oh wow look at all this free time I have" list. Don't bother with it until everything else is working and all the documents are shiny.

Now, the line chart: Charting will ask projecting "hey, could you project this branch from this date to this date with an interval of 7 days?" and projecting will be like "okay I did it, here's a list of moneyValue for each data point"

I did forget to mention the branch part yesterday. It is pretty simple to implement: charting will present a form to the user asking which branches they want to plot in addition to the date range and frequency (daily/weekly/monthly). Charting will then make a separate query for each branch to projecting and graph it all on one line chart. Projecting will use the branch argument to filter what itemAdjustments have effect - and that is all there is to it.