UNLV-ShaneD / unlvCS473kilo

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Charting Status #18

Open dabinett opened 12 years ago

dabinett commented 12 years ago

I currently can make a graph and display it to the screen. That is about all I can do.

I've been ripping my hair to pieces trying to simply get data from the user. Sounds like a simple thing to do but I cannot for the life of me get it to work. The way it's implemented, I can get the interval, but it complains about the date since I can no longer get a nice calendar selection like I used to. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Another issue is that I can't make a title for the graph since I don't know what item is being charted. Who passes me that info.

All of my latest changes are on the Charting2 branch.

UNLV-ShaneD commented 12 years ago

You don't chart individual items - rather, you chart by budget branches. The user will use a multi-select to select budget branches and plot them together. You can get information about what budget branches are available from the UserData entity that I will be pushing to the repository soon. I'm thinking it will be set as a session variable by Corbin - so controllers will have access.

dabinett commented 12 years ago

Ugh, I just tried to rebase off the newest master branch and I get a bunch of merge conflicts. I think I'll have to get your data and just put it somewhere, then just copy my files over.

Stupid .gitignore isn't even working.

UNLV-ShaneD commented 12 years ago

"get your data and just put it somewhere" - what does that mean? Try deleting all the *.class/ignored files etc. from your branch, commit, and then rebase?

UNLV-ShaneD commented 12 years ago

Okay, I turned off automatic building, cleaned the project, and committed the results. This should take care of erroneous merge conflicts.

dabinett commented 12 years ago

It still didn't help :( Among other things, pom.xml, maybe some .jspx files and some property files will still conflict. Dane tried merging with no success. I was able to manually add in my stuff and edit the conflicting files to put in stuff I needed but... that sucks.

UNLV-ShaneD commented 12 years ago

Of course you're going to have some merge conflicts - that's the whole idea behind branching. It does suck, but it has to be done.