UNLV-ShaneD / unlvCS473kilo

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Assignment of general responsibilities #3

Closed UNLV-ShaneD closed 12 years ago

UNLV-ShaneD commented 12 years ago

We need to assign responsibilities to each participant.

Project Plan - Work Breakdown Structure and Estimates Outline of responsibilities

Please rank the responsibilities in order of which you would most like to take on. List them in order of preference, the first item being most preferred. Also - feel free to comment. Being professional and being formal are two entirely different things...

UNLV-ShaneD commented 12 years ago

My preference: tagging, item managing, charting, projecting, scraping

dabinett commented 12 years ago

My preferences: Charting, Scraping, Tagging, Item Managing, Projecting

solisa7 commented 12 years ago

Charting, scraping, item managing, tagging, projecting

benallyc commented 12 years ago

Top three preferences: Tagging, item managing, charting.

strongd commented 12 years ago

My preferences: Projecting, tagging, item managing, scraping, charting.

When selecting these, I kind of kept in mind what everyone else had. But it looks like you guys have a lot of commonalities so I didn't have to think too hard lol.

UNLV-ShaneD commented 12 years ago

Responsibilities have been assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Tagging - Shane Charting - J.R. (dabinett) Scraping - Alex (solisa7) Item managing - Corbin (benallyc) Projecting - Dane (strongd)