UNM-CARC / QuickBytes

Development of short tutorials for UNM's Center for Advanced Research Computing
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Write Orca Quickbyte #71

Closed gmfricke closed 4 years ago

gmfricke commented 4 years ago

We should include a slurm and pbs version. Discuss MPI and NBO.


PBS -n orca_nbo_test

PBS -o test.out

PBS -l walltime=00:10:00

PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=8

PBS -M mfricke@unm.edu

PBS -m bae



module load orca/4.0.0/openmpi/2.0.2 module load nbo/7/pgi-16.3

Orca needs the full path when running in parallel

full_orca_path=$(which orca)

$full_orca_path $input_file

liphardt commented 4 years ago

Addressed with pull request #73