UNMigration / HTCDS

Human Trafficking Case Data Standard
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Perpetrator #4

Open ShannonGFEMS opened 3 years ago

ShannonGFEMS commented 3 years ago

Users should at least have the option to record information about the perpetrator when they can be discerned beyond the location and method of recruitment and control. In choosing instead to collect information about the victim's various vulnerabilities, we run the risk of creating a data story that implies that people were solely responsible for their own trafficking. Ultimately, this favors policy solutions that aim to control or constrain the freedoms of potential victims; meanwhile, we can't answer fundamental questions that are important to policymaking such as "Does the median trafficker in Vietnam have 3 or 350 victims?" So, I would favor at least collecting information like whether the trafficker individual/business, nationality, gender, approximate age (if applicable), and other details, as Liberty Shared does.