UNopenGIS / 7

UN Smart Maps - keep web maps open for a better world
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FOSS4G Presentation generation (hfu's part) #191

Closed hfu closed 1 year ago

hfu commented 1 year ago

Generation 1






三次元点群データをスマート地図バザールで公開した例を一つ紹介しましょう。それは、GitHubの で公開されています。 日本の地方公共団体である長崎県が公開した100GBを超える三次元点群データをpy3dtilesで三次元タイルに変換し、Cesiumで作成したウェブサイトごと惑星間ファイルシステムでホストしたものです。

次に、三次元都市モデルをスマート地図バザールで公開した例を紹介します。それは、GitHubの で公開されています。 日本の国土交通省が公開した三次元タイル形式の都市モデルを惑星間ファイルシステムでホストしたものです。

また、日本の法務省が公開した土地区画のデータもスマート地図バザールで公開しています。それは、GitHubの で公開されています。



hfu commented 1 year ago

Generation 2
















hfu commented 1 year ago

Generation 3







私たちのウェブサイトには からアクセスできます。


一つ目を私たちはスマート地図アシスタントと呼んでいます。これは、生成AIの地図ユーザインタフェースへの応用です。このプレゼンテーションのアブストラクトでは MUNDO つまり Model UN Deveopment and Operations と呼んでいましたが、最近リブランドしました。

二つ目を私たちはスマート地図バザールと呼んでいます。これは、Web3技術、特に惑星間ファイルシステムの応用です。このプレゼンテーションのアブストラクトでは WebMaps3 と呼んでいましたが、最近李ブランドしました。

三つ目はコアとなるソフトウェアのカタログ化やパッケージ化、開発や保守に関わる活動です。私たちはこれを Smart Maps Core と呼んでいます。

また、ドキュメンテーションもシステム的に進めています。私たちはこの活動を Smart Maps Documentation と呼んでいます。

五つ目は、Raspberry Pi の応用で、これを UNVT Portable と呼んでいます。私の友人のショーゴが、UNVT Portable については別のプレゼンテーションをしますし、私たちは UNVT Portable Workshop も開きました。


このセッションでは、私たちは Smart Maps Assistant と Smart Maps Bazaar の話をします。

まず、ユイセキが Smart Maps Assistant について話します。

(ここには Smart Maps Assistant の話が入る。あとで書く。)

ユイセキ、ありがとう。残りの時間で私が Smart Maps Bazaar について話します。

これが Smart Maps Bazaar についての私たちのストーリーです。
















Smart Maps Core は、Smart Maps Group が使うオープンソースソフトウェアについてカタログ化したり、パッケージ化したり、また、私たち自身が開発するソフトウェアについてメインテナンスしたりします。私たちはタロー・マツザワに感謝したい。

charites は YAML ベースでベクトルタイルのスタイル記述をするソフトウェアで、スタイルをシステム的に維持するのに良いです。とてもオリジナルなソフトウェアで、UN Smart Maps Group が charites を持っていることにはとても誇りを持っています。

Smart Maps Documentation は始まったばかりですが、ドキュメンテーションをすることで、グループのビジョンやミッションが定まり、リブランディングを進めることができ、定期的なミートアップも行えるようになりました。私たちはアルバート・Kochaphumに感謝したい。

UNVT Portable はウェブ地図の技術を広げるのに期待できる技術です。私もサービスを開発したり運営したりするのに Raspberry Pi を何年も使っていて、UNVT Portable はウェブ地図を開かれたものに保つのに重要なテクノロジーであると信じています。

私たちは combine our efforts というフレーズを国連憲章から取っています。ウェブ地図を開かれたものに保つため、努力を結集しましょう。私たちのウェブサイトを訪ねて、私たちを改善してください。


hfu commented 1 year ago

Generation 4








私たちのウェブサイトは、 からアクセスできます。



「スマート地図アシスタント」は、AI生成地図のユーザインタフェースへの応用です。以前はMUNDO(Model UN Development and Operations)と呼んでいましたが、最近リブランドしました。


また、私たちはコアとなるソフトウェアのカタログ化やパッケージ化、開発や保守に関わる活動も行っています。これを「Smart Maps Core」と呼んでいます。

さらに、ドキュメンテーションの整備も進めています。この活動は「Smart Maps Documentation」と呼ばれています。

そして、私たちは「UNVT Portable」というRaspberry Piの応用も行っています。私の友人ショーゴは、UNVT Portableについて別のプレゼンテーションも行いますし、UNVT Portable Workshopも開催しました。





ユイセキ、ありがとう。残りの時間で私が Smart Maps Bazaar について話します。

これが Smart Maps Bazaar についての私たちのストーリーです。










Smart Maps Core は、Smart Maps Group が使うオープンソースソフトウェアについてカタログ化したり、パッケージ化したり、また、私たち自身が開発するソフトウェアについてメインテナンスしたりします。私たちはタロー・マツザワに感謝したい。

charites は YAML ベースでベクトルタイルのスタイル記述をするソフトウェアで、スタイルをシステム的に維持するのに良いです。とてもオリジナルなソフトウェアで、UN Smart Maps Group が charites を持っていることにはとても誇りを持っています。

Smart Maps Documentation は始まったばかりですが、ドキュメンテーションをすることで、グループのビジョンやミッションが定まり、リブランディングを進めることができ、定期的なミートアップも行えるようになりました。私たちはアルバート・Kochaphumに感謝したい。

UNVT Portable はウェブ地図の技術を広げるのに期待できる技術です。私もサービスを開発したり運営したりするのに Raspberry Pi を何年も使っていて、UNVT Portable はウェブ地図を開かれたものに保つのに重要なテクノロジーであると信じています。

私たちは combine our efforts というフレーズを国連憲章から取っています。ウェブ地図を開かれたものに保つため、努力を結集しましょう。私たちのウェブサイトを訪ねて、私たちを改善してください。


hfu commented 1 year ago

Generation 5

Thank you for participating in our presentation. My name is Hidenori. I will be speaking along with my friend Yuiseki about our activities related to the United Nations Smart Maps.

Our context revolves around the United Nations Geospatial Support, focusing on the creation of geospatial support in United Nations peacekeeping operations. Such support is handled by the United Nations Secretariat, with involvement from entities like the United Nations Geospatial Information Section and the United Nations Global Service Centre.

In addition to the United Nations Secretariat, the United Nations Open GIS Initiative also participates in geospatial support. This initiative is a partnership initiative to develop an open-source GIS bundle that aligns with the requirements of United Nations activities.

As part of the seventh working group of the United Nations Open GIS Initiative, we have the United Nations Smart Maps Group. This group was established in August 2022 in Florence.

Our vision is to maintain open web maps for a better world. By creating, hosting, styling, and optimizing web maps in an openly accessible manner, mapping agencies of the United Nations and our affiliated countries can create and publish the web maps they need, enabling informed decision-making. Improving user interfaces is also an important element, and we are working on enhancing user interfaces as well.

Our group is a small team and does not operate web map services on our own. We collaborate to test new technologies for future geospatial operations as our mission.

You can access our website at

Our United Nations Smart Maps Group is engaged in several activities, and among them, we will talk about "Smart Maps Assistant" and "Smart Maps Bazaar."

First, Yuiseki will talk about "Smart Maps Assistant."

(Speech about Smart Maps Assistant by Yuiseki.)

Thank you, Yuiseki. In the remaining time, I will talk about the "Smart Maps Bazaar."

This is our story about the Smart Maps Bazaar.

We incorporate open geospatial data shared worldwide, convert it into modern web map formats, and share it with people in a distributed hosting environment. Our goal is to adapt open geospatial data to modern web map technology and spread the true value of open data.

To remove barriers to data utilization and improve accessibility, we convert the data into modern web map formats. This enables the creation of smart web maps with beautiful visual representations, rich interactivity, and the ability to link information. We aim to maximize the attractiveness and potential of data.

However, we have faced challenges related to data size and hosting environments. As the data becomes more useful, the burden of hosting the data increases, potentially affecting the stability and reliability of data supply. Moreover, promotion policies for data utilization have been limiting the use of data.

We are addressing this problem and proposing data sharing through the Smart Maps Bazaar. For that purpose, we adopt the innovative technology of the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), which is a decentralized web technology, to achieve seamless data sharing and access among communities, enabling people worldwide to use data in a natural way. To realize the free sharing and access of data, we employ the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a decentralized web technology that distributes data across the network and identifies files with unique hashes, enhancing data security and reliability.

The framework of the Smart Maps Bazaar is particularly important when dealing with high-density and large-scale data such as 3D point cloud data and 3D city models. With the Smart Maps Bazaar, it has become possible to host even hundreds of gigabytes of point cloud data at an individual scale. We have realized that this hosting method has become common and that optimization based on scale is necessary for 3D point cloud data and 3D city models, just like for vector data.

Now I would like to briefly touch upon some other activities.

Smart Maps Core involves cataloging and packaging open-source software used by the Smart Maps Group, as well as maintaining the software we develop ourselves. We would like to express our gratitude to Taro Matsuzawa for his contributions.

Charites is a software that allows YAML-based styling of vector tiles, making it an excellent tool for systematically maintaining styles. We are proud to have Charites as an original software owned by the UN Smart Maps Group.

Smart Maps Documentation has just begun, but through documentation, we have been able to define the group's vision and mission, facilitate rebranding, and conduct regular meetups. We would like to express our gratitude to Albert Kochaphum.

UNVT Portable is a technology that holds promise for expanding web mapping capabilities. I have been using Raspberry Pi for several years to develop and operate services, and UNVT Portable has been a valuable addition to our toolkit. My friend Shogo has also conducted a separate presentation on UNVT Portable and we have organized UNVT Portable Workshops.

In addition to these activities, there are various other initiatives, and many individuals are contributing their efforts.

In this session, we will focus on "Smart Maps Assistant" and "Smart Maps Bazaar."

Next, Yuiseki will provide more details about "Smart Maps Assistant."

(Yuiseki presents about Smart Maps Assistant.)

Thank you, Yuiseki. In the remaining time, I will talk about the Smart Maps Bazaar.

This is our story about the Smart Maps Bazaar.

We incorporate open geospatial data shared worldwide, convert it into modern web map formats, and share it with people in a distributed hosting environment. Our goal is to adapt open geospatial data to modern web mapping technologies and spread the true value of open data.

To remove barriers to data usage and improve accessibility, we convert data into modern web map formats. This enables us to create smart web maps with beautiful visualizations, rich interactivity, and information integration. We aim to maximize the appeal and potential of data.

However, we have faced challenges related to data size and hosting environments. As the data becomes more useful, hosting the data becomes more burdensome and may affect the stability and reliability of data supply. Additionally, measures to promote data usage have also been limiting data access.

We address these issues and propose data sharing through the Smart Maps Bazaar. For this purpose, we adopt the innovative technology of InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a distributed web technology that enables seamless data sharing and access among communities, allowing people worldwide to naturally utilize the data. To achieve free sharing and access to data, we employ the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), which distributes data across the network and identifies files with unique hashes, improving data security and reliability.

The concept of the Smart Maps Bazaar is particularly important when dealing with dense and large-scale data, such as three-dimensional point cloud data and three-dimensional city models. With the Smart Maps Bazaar, even hundreds of gigabytes of point cloud data can now be hosted at an individual's scale. We have realized that such hosting methods have become commonplace, and like vector data, three-dimensional point cloud data and three-dimensional city models also require optimization based on scale.

For example, as one of the publicly available datasets using the Smart Maps Bazaar, we highlight the over 100GB three-dimensional point cloud data released by Nagasaki Prefecture. This data has been converted into three-dimensional tiles using py3dtiles and is hosted on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) alongside a website created using Cesium. Similarly, three-dimensional tile-formatted city models released by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism are also hosted on the Smart Maps Bazaar.

Through the Smart Maps Bazaar, we aim to create a vibrant marketplace for open geospatial data, where data creators and data users can come together to exchange and collaborate. This marketplace allows data creators to showcase their datasets, share their expertise, and receive feedback from the community. At the same time, data users can explore and access a wide range of high-quality geospatial data for their own projects and applications.

To ensure the quality and reliability of the data hosted on the Smart Maps Bazaar, we have implemented a review and verification process. This involves assessing the accuracy, completeness, and usefulness of the datasets before they are made available to the public. We encourage data creators to provide documentation and metadata accompanying their datasets to facilitate better understanding and utilization by the community.

One of the key benefits of the Smart Maps Bazaar is its decentralized nature. By leveraging the power of distributed technologies like IPFS, we eliminate the need for centralized servers and infrastructure, making the data more resilient and resistant to censorship. This also allows for faster and more efficient data sharing and retrieval, as the data is distributed across a network of interconnected nodes.

In addition to hosting and sharing geospatial data, the Smart Maps Bazaar also facilitates collaboration and innovation through its community-driven approach. We encourage data users to contribute back to the community by sharing their own data, creating derivative works, or providing feedback and suggestions for improvement. This collaborative environment fosters the growth of the geospatial community and promotes the development of new applications and services.

To support the Smart Maps Bazaar and ensure its sustainability, we are exploring different models for funding and governance. We are considering options such as crowdfunding, grants, partnerships with organizations, and contributions from community members. Our aim is to create a self-sustaining ecosystem where the costs of hosting and maintaining the infrastructure are covered, allowing the Smart Maps Bazaar to continue providing valuable geospatial data to the community.

As we move forward, we are excited about the potential of the Smart Maps Bazaar to revolutionize the way open geospatial data is shared, accessed, and utilized. We believe that by fostering collaboration, innovation, and accessibility, we can unlock the full potential of geospatial data and empower individuals and organizations to make informed decisions and create positive impact in their communities.

Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to your participation in the Smart Maps Bazaar.

hfu commented 1 year ago

Generation 6

Thank you for participating in our presentation. My name is Hidenori. I will be speaking along with my friend Yuiseki about our activities related to the United Nations Smart Maps.

Our context is around the United Nations Geospatial Support, focusing on the creation of geospatial support in United Nations peacekeeping operations. Such support is handled by the United Nations Secretariat, with involvement from entities like the United Nations Geospatial Information Section and the United Nations Global Service Centre.

In addition to the United Nations Secretariat, the United Nations Open GIS Initiative also participates in geospatial support. This initiative is a partnership initiative to develop an open-source GIS bundle that aligns with the requirements of United Nations activities.

The UN Smart Maps Group is the seventh domain working group of the United Nations Open GIS Initiative. UN Smart Maps Group was established in August 2022 in Florence.

Our vision is to keep web maps open for a better world. By producing, hosting, styling, and optimizing web maps in an open manner, mapping agencies of the United Nations and our affiliated countries and organizations can create and publish the web maps they need, enabling informed decision-making. Improving user interfaces is also an important element, and we are working on enhancing user interfaces as well.

Our group is a small team and does not operate production-level web map services on our own. We collaborate to test new technologies for future geospatial operations as our mission.

You can access our website at

Our United Nations Smart Maps Group is engaged in several activities, and among them, we will talk about "Smart Maps Assistant" and "Smart Maps Bazaar."

First, Yuiseki will talk about "Smart Maps Assistant."

(Speech about Smart Maps Assistant by Yuiseki.)

Thank you, Yuiseki. In the remaining time, I will talk about the "Smart Maps Bazaar."

This is our story about the Smart Maps Bazaar.

We incorporate open geospatial data already shared worldwide, convert it into modern web map formats, and share it with people in an open hosting environment. Our goal is to adapt open geospatial data to modern web mapping technologies and spread the true value of open data.

To remove barriers to data usage and improve accessibility, we convert data into modern web map formats. This enables us to create smart web maps with beautiful visualizations, rich interactivity, and information integration. We aim to maximize the appeal and potential of data.

However, we have faced challenges related to data size and hosting environments. As the data becomes more useful, hosting the data becomes more burdensome and may affect the stability and reliability of data supply. Additionally, measures to promote data usage have also been limiting data access.

We address these issues and propose easier and more scalable data sharing by adopting the innovative technology of InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a distributed web technology that enables seamless data sharing and access among communities, allowing people worldwide to naturally utilize the data.

Smart Maps Bazaar is an application of IPFS for hosting cloud-optimized data. We do have a public gateway as an in-kind contribution by Code for Japan and Sakura Internet, but the principle is that each contributor adds the data on their own node. There is no central authority, but we can share the data by just bringing it and handle it. This is why we name our concept a Smart Maps Bazaar.

The concept of the Smart Maps Bazaar is particularly important when dealing with dense and large-scale data, such as three-dimensional point cloud data and three-dimensional city models. In many cases, hosting hundreds of gigabytes in traditional servers takes cost. With the Smart Maps Bazaar, hundreds of gigabytes of point cloud data can be hosted at an individual's scale.

For example, as one of the publicly available datasets using the Smart Maps Bazaar, we highlight the over 100GB three-dimensional point cloud data released by Nagasaki Prefecture in Japan. This data has been converted into 3D Tiles. If you have Brave browser or other IPFS-enabled web browsers, you can directly consume the seamless LiDAR data from your web browsers. You can still consume the same data through our IPFS gateway if you are using more traditional web browsers although it may be a little bit slow. Similarly, 3D city models in 3D Tiles released by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism are also hosted on the Smart Maps Bazaar. The point is that these data of hundreds of gigabytes are originally served from my IPFS node at home without a professional-grade servers.

Through the Smart Maps Bazaar, we aim to create a vibrant marketplace for open geospatial data, where data creators and data users can come together to exchange and collaborate. This marketplace allows data creators to showcase their datasets, share their expertise, and receive feedback from the community. At the same time, data users can explore and access a wide range of high-quality geospatial data for their own projects and applications. We believe this would be important because geospatial data are becoming denser and more diverse.

One of the key benefits of the Smart Maps Bazaar is its decentralized nature. By leveraging the power of distributed technologies like IPFS, we eliminate the need for centralized servers and infrastructure, making the data more resilient. This also allows for faster and more efficient data sharing and retrieval. In fact, I am running an IPFS node here in ITP to make our 3D Tiles faster and more efficient.

In summary, the Smart Maps Bazaar is a platform that incorporates open geospatial data, converts it into modern web map formats, and shares it with people in a distributed hosting environment. The goal is to adapt open geospatial data to modern web mapping technologies and spread the true value of open data. By addressing challenges related to data size and hosting environments, implementing the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for seamless data sharing, and focusing on high-density and large-scale data.

Now I would like to briefly touch upon some other activities with the UN Smart Maps Group.

Smart Maps Core involves cataloging and packaging open-source software used by the Smart Maps Group, as well as maintaining the software we develop ourselves. We would like to express our gratitude to Taro Matsuzawa for his contributions.

Charites is a software that allows YAML-based styling of vector tiles, making it an excellent tool for systematically maintaining styles. We are proud to have Charites as an original software owned by the UN Smart Maps Group.

Smart Maps Documentation has just begun, but through documentation, we have been able to define the group's vision and mission, facilitate rebranding, and conduct regular meetups. We would like to express our gratitude to Albert Kochaphum.

UNVT Portable is a technology that holds promise for expanding web mapping capabilities. I have been using Raspberry Pi for several years to develop and operate services, and UNVT Portable has been a valuable addition to our toolkit. My friend Shogo will be presenting UNVT Portable and we have organized UNVT Portable Workshops.

In addition to these activities, there are various other initiatives, and many individuals are contributing their efforts.

Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to your participation in the UN Smart Maps Group.

hfu commented 1 year ago


hfu commented 1 year ago


hfu commented 1 year ago


hfu commented 1 year ago
hfu commented 1 year ago
スクリーンショット 2023-06-24 10 33 34
hfu commented 1 year ago

Integrated with #184.