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Write a proposal for a pilot project: Smart Maps Collaboration #203

Closed yuiseki closed 10 months ago

yuiseki commented 1 year ago


hfu commented 1 year ago
hfu commented 1 year ago


Advancing Peacekeeping: Empowering Smart Maps Collaboration through Distributed Web, AI, and Partnership


This proposal introduces the "Smart Maps Collaboration" pilot project aimed at enhancing information sharing and decision-making in UN peacekeeping operations. The project leverages the capabilities of the Smart Maps Bazaar and Smart Maps Assistant, incorporating distributed web technology and advanced AI models.

The Smart Maps Collaboration project combines the power of the Smart Maps Bazaar, utilizing distributed web infrastructure enabled by IPFS, and the Smart Maps Assistant, which employs large-scale language models for interactive web map interfaces. By harnessing these technologies, field personnel of UN peacekeeping missions gain access to fast and offline-capable web maps across various devices, enabling real-time information and facilitating effective decision-making.

Moreover, the project fosters partnerships with national geospatial authorities, academia, and the private sector. By collaborating voluntarily, these partners contribute their expertise and innovative geospatial solutions, further enhancing the impact of the project. The focus lies in respecting data sovereignty, optimizing cost-effectiveness, and improving information security.

Through the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project, we anticipate improved information sharing, enhanced decision-making, and elevated quality of field operations within UN peacekeeping missions. By strengthening partnerships with national geospatial authorities, academia, and the private sector, we establish a foundation for sustainable outcomes through shared data and collaborative efforts.


United Nations peacekeeping operations play a vital role in resolving conflicts and maintaining peace in the international community. However, in complex conflict areas, accurate and timely collection, analysis, and sharing of information pose significant challenges. Geospatial information plays a critical role in peacekeeping operations, and the UN Open GIS Initiative has been driving efforts to strengthen UN activities through the use of geographic information systems (GIS).

Currently, national geospatial authorities of UN member states possess rich data resources and specialized knowledge. On the other hand, the UN Secretariat and peacekeeping missions require comprehensive and accurate geospatial information for situational awareness and decision-making. In light of these circumstances, the UN Open GIS Initiative focuses on strengthening collaboration with national geospatial authorities to facilitate data sharing and joint activities.

Furthermore, voluntary cooperation from academia and the private sector is encouraged to share innovative geospatial technology and solutions, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of UN peacekeeping operations.

In this proposal, we present the "Smart Maps Collaboration" pilot project, which aims to establish a collaborative framework among national geospatial authorities, academia, the private sector, and the UN Secretariat and peacekeeping missions. Through the utilization of the Smart Maps Bazaar and Smart Maps Assistant, the project aims to develop and deploy distributed web maps and interactive web map interfaces powered by large-scale language models.

The Smart Maps Bazaar leverages distributed web technology, utilizing the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for efficient and secure sharing of geospatial information. Unlike traditional centralized data management systems, the Smart Maps Bazaar operates on a decentralized network, allowing for redundant data storage and enabling fast and reliable data access. Moreover, it supports offline access to web maps, providing field personnel with the ability to consume maps across various devices even in offline environments.

By incorporating the Smart Maps Assistant, which utilizes large-scale language models, the pilot project enables interactive information retrieval without the need for specialized GIS expertise. UN Secretariat and peacekeeping mission stakeholders can extract and understand necessary information through a natural language interface.

The Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project aims to advance peacekeeping operations by facilitating improved information sharing, enhanced decision-making, and optimized field operations. By respecting data sovereignty, maximizing cost-effectiveness, and enhancing information security, the project aims to establish a sustainable foundation for the utilization of geospatial information resources.


The purpose of the "Advancing Peacekeeping: Empowering Smart Maps Collaboration through Distributed Web, AI, and Partnership" pilot project is to harness the potential of advanced geospatial technologies, distributed web infrastructure, and artificial intelligence to enhance information sharing, decision-making, and operational effectiveness in UN peacekeeping missions. The project aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Enable Efficient Information Access: By utilizing the Smart Maps Bazaar, the project seeks to establish a distributed web platform that allows field personnel to access fast and offline-capable web maps, ensuring timely and reliable information availability even in resource-constrained environments. This enhances situational awareness and facilitates informed decision-making.

  2. Enhance User Interaction and Accessibility: Through the Smart Maps Assistant, which utilizes large-scale language models, the project aims to provide an intuitive and interactive web map interface that enables users, including non-GIS experts, to extract relevant information and insights using natural language queries. This promotes inclusive and user-friendly access to geospatial information resources.

  3. Foster Collaboration and Partnerships: The project emphasizes building strong partnerships with national geospatial authorities, academia, and the private sector. By leveraging their expertise, data resources, and innovative solutions, the project aims to maximize the value and effectiveness of geospatial information in peacekeeping operations. Collaboration also fosters knowledge exchange, capacity building, and the identification of best practices.

  4. Ensure Data Sovereignty and Information Security: The project recognizes the importance of respecting data sovereignty, protecting sensitive information, and enhancing information security. Robust data governance frameworks and secure communication protocols will be established to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of geospatial data shared within the project.

  5. Demonstrate Scalability and Replicability: The pilot project will serve as a demonstration of the potential benefits and feasibility of integrating distributed web infrastructure and AI-driven interfaces in peacekeeping operations. It aims to provide valuable insights and lessons learned, enabling the scalability and replicability of the Smart Maps Collaboration approach in other UN missions and contexts.

By achieving these objectives, the project seeks to empower peacekeeping missions with enhanced geospatial capabilities, enabling more informed decision-making, improving operational efficiency, and ultimately contributing to the overall effectiveness of UN peacekeeping efforts in promoting global peace and security.

Project Overview

The "Advancing Peacekeeping: Empowering Smart Maps Collaboration through Distributed Web, AI, and Partnership" pilot project aims to revolutionize information sharing and decision-making in UN peacekeeping missions by harnessing the potential of distributed web technology, artificial intelligence, and collaborative partnerships.

The project will be led by the UN Smart Maps Group, a dedicated team within the UN Open GIS Initiative, in close collaboration with national geospatial authorities, academia, and the private sector. It will leverage two key components: the Smart Maps Bazaar and the Smart Maps Assistant.

The Smart Maps Bazaar will serve as a decentralized platform for storing, accessing, and sharing geospatial information using distributed web infrastructure. By utilizing the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), the Bazaar will ensure redundant data storage, high availability, and fast retrieval of geospatial data. Field personnel of UN peacekeeping missions will be able to access web maps through various devices, even in offline environments, enabling real-time situational awareness and informed decision-making.

The Smart Maps Assistant will provide an interactive web map interface powered by advanced artificial intelligence models, particularly large-scale language models. This interface will enable users, including non-GIS experts, to engage in natural language queries and retrieve relevant geospatial information. The Assistant will facilitate intuitive interaction and enhance accessibility to geospatial data, empowering users with the ability to make informed decisions based on comprehensive and understandable insights.

Throughout the pilot project, close collaboration with national geospatial authorities, academia, and the private sector will be fostered. National geospatial authorities will contribute their specialized knowledge, data resources, and technical expertise to support the project's goals. Academic institutions and the private sector will actively engage in knowledge exchange, contribute innovative solutions, and enhance the scalability and replicability of the Smart Maps Collaboration approach.

The pilot project will adopt a phased implementation approach, starting with a select UN peacekeeping mission as the initial deployment site. Feedback and insights from mission personnel and stakeholders will be continuously gathered to refine and optimize the Smart Maps Collaboration system. The project will focus on maximizing cost-effectiveness, ensuring data sovereignty and information security, and adhering to established UN standards and policies.

The anticipated outcomes of the pilot project include improved information sharing, enhanced decision-making, and optimized operational effectiveness within UN peacekeeping missions. Lessons learned from the pilot will inform future scaling efforts, aiming to extend the benefits of the Smart Maps Collaboration approach to other UN peacekeeping missions and potentially other sectors where geospatial information plays a crucial role.

By embracing innovation, collaboration, and cutting-edge technologies, the "Advancing Peacekeeping: Empowering Smart Maps Collaboration through Distributed Web, AI, and Partnership" pilot project seeks to pave the way for smarter, more efficient, and effective peacekeeping operations, ultimately contributing to the achievement of sustainable peace and security worldwide.

Expected Outcomes

  1. Improved Information Sharing: The Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project aims to enhance information sharing capabilities within UN peacekeeping missions. By leveraging the Smart Maps Bazaar and the Smart Maps Assistant, field personnel will have access to comprehensive and up-to-date geospatial information. This will facilitate better situational awareness, foster collaboration, and enable more effective coordination among mission stakeholders.

  2. Enhanced Decision-Making: The integration of advanced AI models and interactive web map interfaces will empower users to make informed decisions based on comprehensive and understandable insights. The Smart Maps Assistant will provide intuitive access to geospatial data through natural language queries, enabling both GIS experts and non-experts to extract valuable information and gain actionable intelligence.

  3. Optimized Operational Effectiveness: By leveraging the distributed web infrastructure enabled by the Smart Maps Bazaar, field personnel will have fast and offline-capable access to web maps, ensuring continuous availability of critical information in remote or resource-constrained environments. This will enhance operational effectiveness, enable timely response, and support the overall mission objectives.

  4. Strengthened Partnerships: The Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project aims to foster partnerships with national geospatial authorities, academia, and the private sector. Through collaboration and knowledge exchange, the project will create a platform for sharing expertise, innovative solutions, and best practices. This will lead to a more robust and sustainable geospatial ecosystem, benefiting UN peacekeeping missions and the broader geospatial community.

  5. Enhanced Cost-Effectiveness: The utilization of distributed web technology and AI-driven interfaces can significantly optimize resource allocation and cost-effectiveness. The Smart Maps Collaboration approach aims to streamline data management processes, minimize duplication of efforts, and maximize the value derived from geospatial resources. This will contribute to improved efficiency and resource utilization within UN peacekeeping missions.

  6. Improved Data Sovereignty and Information Security: The Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project recognizes the importance of data sovereignty and information security. Robust data governance frameworks and secure communication protocols will be established to protect sensitive information, ensure data privacy, and maintain the integrity and availability of geospatial data. This will contribute to the overall trust and credibility of the system.

  7. Scalability and Replicability: Lessons learned from the pilot project will inform future scaling efforts. The aim is to extend the benefits of the Smart Maps Collaboration approach to other UN peacekeeping missions and potentially other sectors where geospatial information is critical. The project's scalable and replicable model will serve as a blueprint for integrating distributed web infrastructure and AI-driven interfaces in diverse operational contexts.

By achieving these expected outcomes, the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project will contribute to more efficient and effective UN peacekeeping operations, empower mission personnel with enhanced geospatial capabilities, and facilitate informed decision-making for sustainable peace and security.


The Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project will follow a systematic approach to achieve its objectives. The proposed methodology includes the following key steps:

  1. Needs Assessment: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the information needs and challenges faced by UN peacekeeping missions. This will involve engaging with mission personnel, stakeholders, and national geospatial authorities to identify specific requirements and areas for improvement.

  2. Technology Integration: Integrate the Smart Maps Bazaar and Smart Maps Assistant into the existing geospatial infrastructure of UN peacekeeping missions. This will involve deploying the distributed web infrastructure, establishing connectivity with field devices, and configuring the AI-driven interfaces for seamless data access and interactive functionalities.

  3. Data Collaboration Framework: Develop a collaborative framework to facilitate data sharing and exchange between national geospatial authorities, academia, the private sector, and UN peacekeeping missions. This framework will outline the protocols, standards, and procedures for data contribution, access, and utilization, ensuring data sovereignty, security, and compliance with relevant regulations.

  4. Capacity Building and Training: Provide training programs and capacity-building initiatives to empower mission personnel and stakeholders with the necessary skills to effectively utilize the Smart Maps Collaboration tools and technologies. This will include training on geospatial data management, AI-driven interfaces, and best practices for information sharing and decision-making.

  5. Piloting and Evaluation: Implement the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project in a selected UN peacekeeping mission, working closely with mission personnel to gather feedback and assess the project's effectiveness. Regular evaluations and iterative improvements will be conducted based on user feedback, technical performance, and alignment with project objectives.

  6. Knowledge Exchange and Lessons Learned: Facilitate knowledge exchange and lessons learned sessions among project stakeholders, including national geospatial authorities, academia, the private sector, and UN peacekeeping missions. These sessions will provide opportunities to share insights, challenges, and best practices, contributing to the continuous improvement and scalability of the Smart Maps Collaboration approach.

  7. Documentation and Dissemination: Document the project's methodology, findings, and best practices in a comprehensive report. Disseminate the project's outcomes through conferences, workshops, and publications to share the knowledge and promote wider adoption of geospatial collaboration and AI-driven interfaces in peacekeeping operations.

By implementing this methodology, the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project aims to ensure a systematic and structured approach, fostering collaboration, driving innovation, and maximizing the project's impact on information sharing, decision-making, and operational effectiveness within UN peacekeeping missions.

Schedule (Proposed)

Please note that the following schedule is a proposed timeline and is subject to change. The duration of the project is estimated to be approximately 1.5 years. It is important to emphasize that the schedule is tentative and serves only as a proposed guideline for the purpose of this proposal.

Phase 1: Project Initiation and Planning (2 months)

Phase 2: Needs Assessment and Technology Integration (4 months)

Phase 3: Capacity Building and Training (3 months)

Phase 4: Piloting and Evaluation (6 months)

Phase 5: Documentation and Dissemination (3 months)

Phase 6: Scaling and Sustainability Planning (4 months)

It is essential to highlight that the proposed schedule is subject to adjustment based on project-specific considerations, resource availability, and stakeholder feedback. The actual timeline and milestones will be further refined during the project initiation phase in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders.


The Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project requires a comprehensive budget to support its successful implementation. The budget will encompass various elements, including technology infrastructure, human resources, training and capacity building, partnership activities, monitoring and evaluation, and operational costs. The following outlines the key components of the project budget:

  1. Technology Infrastructure: A significant portion of the budget will be allocated to the establishment and maintenance of the distributed web infrastructure, including the Smart Maps Bazaar and associated hardware and software resources. This includes the procurement of necessary equipment, network infrastructure setup, software licensing, and ongoing system maintenance and upgrades.

  2. Human Resources: The project will require a dedicated team of technical experts, project management professionals, trainers, and support staff to ensure the smooth execution of project activities. The budget will cover personnel salaries, benefits, and training expenses. Additionally, provisions will be made for external consultants or contractors, if required, to supplement the project team's expertise.

  3. Training and Capacity Building: Adequate funding will be allocated for the development and delivery of training programs, workshops, and capacity-building initiatives. This includes costs associated with training materials development, trainers' fees, venue rentals, and travel expenses for trainers and trainees.

  4. Partnership Activities: The budget will support the collaboration and engagement with national geospatial authorities, academia, and the private sector. This includes costs related to partnership meetings, workshops, knowledge exchange activities, and joint initiatives. Provision will be made for travel and accommodation expenses, as well as any necessary contractual arrangements with external partners.

  5. Monitoring and Evaluation: A portion of the budget will be dedicated to the design and implementation of a robust monitoring and evaluation framework. This includes the development of data collection tools, analysis of project data, and reporting. It also covers costs associated with external evaluators, if required, to conduct independent evaluations of the project's impact and effectiveness.

  6. Operational Costs: The budget will include provisions for day-to-day operational expenses, such as office rent, utilities, communication, and project administration. It will also cover costs associated with project visibility and communication activities, including the production of project materials, website development, and promotional events.

The budget for the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project will be developed in close consultation with relevant stakeholders, ensuring that it aligns with the project objectives and requirements. Regular monitoring and financial reporting will be implemented to track budget utilization and ensure cost-effectiveness. Adjustments to the budget may be made throughout the project lifecycle to accommodate changing needs and priorities, ensuring the efficient utilization of available resources.

It is important to note that the budget presented here is indicative and subject to change pending further detailed planning, resource assessment, and approval processes. The final budget will be determined based on the approved project plan and available funding sources.

Risks and Challenges

  1. Technical Challenges: The integration of distributed web infrastructure, AI-driven interfaces, and geospatial data from various sources may pose technical complexities. Ensuring seamless interoperability, data standardization, and system compatibility will require extensive testing, troubleshooting, and iterative development.

  2. Data Quality and Availability: The success of the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project relies heavily on the availability and quality of geospatial data. Data inconsistencies, gaps, and limited access to authoritative data sources may affect the accuracy and reliability of the information presented. Addressing data quality issues and establishing effective data sharing mechanisms will be crucial.

  3. User Adoption and Training: The adoption of new technologies and interfaces may require a mindset shift and training for mission personnel accustomed to traditional GIS workflows. Overcoming resistance to change, providing comprehensive training, and ensuring user-friendly interfaces are essential to promote user adoption and maximize the benefits of the Smart Maps Collaboration tools.

  4. Security and Privacy Concerns: As the project involves sharing and accessing sensitive geospatial information, ensuring data security, privacy, and compliance with relevant regulations is paramount. Robust security measures, access controls, and encryption protocols must be implemented to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the shared data.

  5. Resource Constraints: The availability of resources, both financial and human, may pose challenges to the successful implementation and scalability of the project. Adequate funding, skilled personnel, and sufficient infrastructure are critical for sustaining the Smart Maps Collaboration initiative beyond the pilot phase.

  6. Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration: Building strong partnerships with national geospatial authorities, academia, and the private sector requires active engagement and ongoing collaboration. Maintaining their commitment, ensuring effective coordination, and aligning interests and objectives will be crucial for the project's success.

  7. Scalability and Replicability: Extending the benefits of the Smart Maps Collaboration approach to other UN peacekeeping missions and operational contexts may encounter scalability and replicability challenges. Adapting the technology to diverse mission environments, addressing varying data infrastructures, and managing coordination among multiple stakeholders will require careful planning and coordination.

  8. Regulatory and Legal Compliance: The project must adhere to relevant legal frameworks, data protection regulations, and intellectual property rights. Ensuring compliance with international, national, and organizational policies is essential to mitigate legal risks and maintain the trust and integrity of the project.

The Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project will proactively address these risks and challenges through effective risk management strategies, ongoing stakeholder engagement, continuous monitoring and evaluation, and iterative improvements. Mitigation measures will be implemented to minimize the impact of potential risks and ensure the project's success in enhancing information sharing and decision-making in UN peacekeeping missions.

Evaluation and Feedback

The Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project will prioritize continuous evaluation and feedback mechanisms to ensure its effectiveness and drive iterative improvements. The following evaluation and feedback processes will be implemented:

  1. User Feedback: Regular feedback loops will be established with UN peacekeeping mission personnel and stakeholders who interact with the Smart Maps Collaboration tools and technologies. Surveys, interviews, and user testing sessions will gather valuable insights on user experiences, usability, and functionality, allowing for iterative improvements and customization based on user needs.

  2. Performance Evaluation: Technical performance metrics will be monitored to assess the reliability, speed, and efficiency of the Smart Maps Bazaar, Smart Maps Assistant, and the overall system. Key performance indicators, such as response times, data accessibility, and system uptime, will be continuously measured and compared against predefined benchmarks.

  3. Impact Assessment: The impact of the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project on information sharing, decision-making, and operational effectiveness will be evaluated through qualitative and quantitative assessments. Mission personnel and stakeholders will be engaged in assessing the project's contribution to situational awareness, improved decision outcomes, and operational efficiency within UN peacekeeping missions.

  4. Lessons Learned Workshops: Knowledge exchange and lessons learned workshops will be organized with project stakeholders, including national geospatial authorities, academia, the private sector, and UN peacekeeping missions. These workshops will provide a platform to share experiences, challenges, and best practices, fostering a culture of learning and improvement.

  5. Stakeholder Surveys: Surveys and feedback mechanisms will be deployed to collect input from all project stakeholders regarding their satisfaction, perceived benefits, and areas for improvement. Stakeholder input will be carefully analyzed and incorporated into project adaptations and refinements.

  6. Mid-term and Final Evaluation: A comprehensive mid-term evaluation will be conducted to assess the project's progress, achievements, and challenges encountered. This evaluation will provide insights to inform adjustments and improvements during the project implementation. Additionally, a final evaluation will be conducted to assess the overall impact, sustainability, and replicability of the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project.

The evaluation and feedback processes will be used to inform decision-making, guide refinements and enhancements, and ensure the project remains aligned with its objectives. By actively seeking and incorporating feedback, the project will continuously improve its effectiveness, user satisfaction, and the overall value it delivers to UN peacekeeping missions and stakeholders.

Site Selection

The selection of the initial deployment site for the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project will involve a careful and thorough process, considering various factors and criteria. The following approach will be adopted for site selection:

  1. Needs Assessment: A comprehensive needs assessment will be conducted to identify UN peacekeeping missions that would benefit the most from improved information sharing, enhanced decision-making, and optimized operational effectiveness. The needs assessment will consider factors such as mission complexity, geospatial data availability, information gaps, and technological readiness.

  2. Stakeholder Consultations: Consultations will be held with relevant stakeholders, including UN peacekeeping mission leadership, national geospatial authorities, and other key actors. These consultations will gather insights on the specific challenges faced by different missions and the potential benefits of implementing the Smart Maps Collaboration tools and technologies.

  3. Mission Suitability: The mission's suitability for piloting the Smart Maps Collaboration project will be evaluated based on its infrastructure, technological capacity, and willingness to participate. The mission should demonstrate a readiness to adopt new technologies, engage in collaborative partnerships, and actively contribute to the project's success.

  4. Resource Availability: The availability of resources, both financial and human, will be considered during the site selection process. Adequate resources must be allocated to support the implementation, training, and ongoing maintenance of the Smart Maps Collaboration tools and technologies.

  5. Geographic Relevance: The geographic context of the mission will be taken into account to ensure the applicability and relevance of the Smart Maps Collaboration approach. Consideration will be given to missions operating in diverse geographical settings and experiencing a range of challenges that can benefit from improved geospatial information sharing.

  6. Commitment and Support: The willingness and commitment of the mission leadership and relevant stakeholders to actively engage in the pilot project will be an important criterion for site selection. Support from national geospatial authorities and other key partners will also be assessed to ensure a collaborative and conducive environment for implementation.

  7. Scalability and Replicability: The potential for scaling up and replicating the Smart Maps Collaboration approach in other UN peacekeeping missions will be considered during site selection. Lessons learned from the pilot site will inform the feasibility and adaptability of the project to different mission contexts.

The site selection process will be conducted in consultation with all relevant stakeholders to ensure transparency, inclusivity, and alignment with project objectives. The chosen deployment site will serve as a demonstration and learning platform, showcasing the potential impact and effectiveness of the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project in enhancing peacekeeping operations.

Sustainability and Operations

The Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project aims to establish a sustainable and well-operational framework that can be replicated and scaled up in UN peacekeeping missions and beyond. The following strategies will be employed to ensure the project's sustainability and smooth operations:

  1. Capacity Building: Capacity building initiatives will be implemented to enhance the technical skills and knowledge of mission personnel in utilizing the Smart Maps Collaboration tools and technologies. Training programs, workshops, and knowledge-sharing sessions will be organized to empower personnel with the necessary skills to operate and maintain the system effectively.

  2. Institutionalization: Efforts will be made to institutionalize the Smart Maps Collaboration framework within the UN Secretariat, peacekeeping missions, and relevant national geospatial authorities. This includes integrating the project into existing policies, guidelines, and workflows to ensure its continued use and sustainability beyond the pilot phase.

  3. Governance and Coordination: Robust governance mechanisms will be established to oversee the Smart Maps Collaboration project's implementation, operation, and maintenance. This includes defining roles and responsibilities, establishing clear communication channels, and ensuring effective coordination among stakeholders. Regular coordination meetings and reporting mechanisms will facilitate smooth operations and accountability.

  4. Financial Sustainability: A comprehensive financial sustainability plan will be developed to secure the necessary resources for the project's long-term operation and expansion. This may involve exploring funding opportunities, engaging with potential donors, and advocating for continued financial support from relevant stakeholders.

  5. Knowledge Exchange and Best Practices: Knowledge exchange platforms will be established to facilitate the sharing of best practices, lessons learned, and successful experiences among UN peacekeeping missions, national geospatial authorities, academia, and the private sector. This will foster a community of practice and promote continuous improvement in the utilization of geospatial information for peacekeeping operations.

  6. Technical Support and Maintenance: Ongoing technical support and maintenance services will be provided to ensure the reliable and uninterrupted operation of the Smart Maps Collaboration tools and technologies. Regular updates, bug fixes, and system enhancements will be implemented to address emerging needs and technological advancements.

  7. Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuous monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to assess the project's performance, impact, and adherence to set objectives. Key performance indicators and evaluation frameworks will be established to measure the effectiveness of the Smart Maps Collaboration tools, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions for project enhancements.

  8. Scaling Up and Replication: The project will develop a roadmap for scaling up and replicating the Smart Maps Collaboration approach in other UN peacekeeping missions, based on lessons learned and best practices. This will ensure the project's wider impact and contribute to the standardization of geospatial information management across peacekeeping operations.

By implementing these sustainability and operational strategies, the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project aims to establish a lasting impact, promote continuous improvement, and contribute to the long-term effectiveness of UN peacekeeping missions in leveraging geospatial information for informed decision-making and improved operational outcomes.

Support and Training

The success of the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project relies on providing comprehensive support and training to enable users to effectively utilize the Smart Maps Bazaar and Smart Maps Assistant. The following support and training strategies will be implemented:

  1. User Support Desk: A dedicated user support desk will be established to address technical inquiries, troubleshoot issues, and provide guidance to users. This support desk will serve as a central point of contact for UN peacekeeping mission personnel, providing timely and responsive assistance to ensure smooth and uninterrupted operation of the Smart Maps Collaboration tools and technologies.

  2. Training Programs: Training programs will be developed and conducted to equip mission personnel with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively use the Smart Maps Collaboration tools. These training programs will cover various aspects, including system navigation, data management, advanced features, and best practices for leveraging the distributed web and AI-powered interfaces.

  3. Training of Trainers: A "Training of Trainers" approach will be adopted to build a pool of internal trainers who can further cascade the training to mission personnel. These trainers will undergo specialized training themselves and will be responsible for delivering training sessions within their respective missions, ensuring the sustainability of knowledge transfer and skill development.

  4. User Manuals and Documentation: Comprehensive user manuals and documentation will be developed to provide step-by-step instructions and guidelines on using the Smart Maps Collaboration tools. These resources will be easily accessible and regularly updated to reflect system enhancements and new features. The manuals and documentation will serve as valuable references for users, enabling them to independently explore and utilize the system's functionalities.

  5. Webinars and Workshops: Interactive webinars and workshops will be organized to facilitate knowledge sharing, address common challenges, and promote best practices. These virtual sessions will provide an opportunity for users to engage with experts, ask questions, and learn from the experiences of others. Webinars and workshops will cover various topics, including system updates, advanced techniques, and user case studies.

  6. On-Site Support Visits: Periodic on-site support visits will be conducted by technical experts to provide hands-on assistance, address specific challenges, and ensure effective system utilization. These visits will also serve as opportunities to gather feedback, identify training needs, and strengthen relationships with mission personnel.

  7. Online Learning Platform: An online learning platform will be established to host training materials, video tutorials, and self-paced learning modules. This platform will allow users to access training resources at their convenience, engage in interactive learning activities, and track their progress. The platform will provide a flexible and scalable learning environment to support continuous learning and skill development.

The support and training initiatives will be tailored to the specific needs of UN peacekeeping missions, considering their diverse backgrounds and levels of technical expertise. By providing comprehensive support and training, the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project aims to empower users, build their confidence in utilizing the tools, and maximize the benefits derived from geospatial information for informed decision-making and enhanced operational effectiveness in peacekeeping missions.

Project Leadership:

The Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project will be led by a dedicated team known as the Smart Maps Group within the UN Open GIS Initiative. The project leadership team will be responsible for overseeing the planning, implementation, and coordination of the project activities. The following key roles and responsibilities will be assigned within the project leadership team:

  1. Project Manager: The Project Manager will have overall responsibility for the successful execution of the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project. They will oversee project planning, resource allocation, and progress monitoring. The Project Manager will ensure that project activities are aligned with the established goals and objectives, and that they are executed within the defined timelines and budget.

  2. Technical Lead: The Technical Lead will provide technical expertise and guidance in the development, deployment, and maintenance of the Smart Maps Collaboration tools and technologies. They will be responsible for overseeing the technical aspects of the project, including system architecture, integration, and interoperability. The Technical Lead will collaborate closely with the development team and external technical partners to ensure the effective implementation of the project's technical components.

  3. Partnership Coordinator: The Partnership Coordinator will be responsible for fostering and managing partnerships with national geospatial authorities, academia, and the private sector. They will establish and maintain effective communication channels, engage partners in collaborative activities, and ensure their active participation and contribution to the project. The Partnership Coordinator will facilitate knowledge exchange, coordinate joint initiatives, and promote the sharing of resources and expertise.

  4. Training and Capacity Building Specialist: The Training and Capacity Building Specialist will develop and implement training programs, workshops, and capacity-building initiatives for mission personnel and other project stakeholders. They will identify training needs, design training materials, and deliver training sessions to ensure users have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively utilize the Smart Maps Collaboration tools. The Training and Capacity Building Specialist will also support the development of user manuals and documentation.

  5. Monitoring and Evaluation Officer: The Monitoring and Evaluation Officer will be responsible for designing and implementing a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework for the project. They will establish key performance indicators, develop data collection tools, and analyze project data to assess progress and measure the impact of the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project. The Monitoring and Evaluation Officer will provide regular reports and recommendations for project improvement based on evaluation findings.

The project leadership team will work collaboratively, leveraging their respective expertise to ensure the successful implementation and outcomes of the Smart Maps Collaboration pilot project. They will engage with stakeholders, oversee project activities, manage risks and challenges, and facilitate effective communication and coordination among all involved parties. The leadership team will be committed to upholding project objectives, ensuring the efficient operation of the project, and driving its overall success.

hfu commented 10 months ago