UO-OACISS / tau2

TAU Performance System Public Mirror (Updated every night at midnight, USA Pacific Time)
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unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_info #13

Open antonl321 opened 3 months ago

antonl321 commented 3 months ago


I have build tau (commit "Mon Apr 8 06:41:03 2024 -0700") on redhat 8.7 with classic intel compilers from intel-oneapi-compilers/2023.2.1.

I have instrumented an app with compiler instrumentation. When I run the app get the warning "unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_info" and no routine app name are shown in paraprof stats ( only addresses).

Is thee any work around for this? From Goolge I gather that this is about a change in binutils/elfutils.

Lucian Anton

jordialcaraz commented 3 months ago

Hello Lucian,

Could you tell us how you configured tau and the steps to reproduce the issue?

Thank you

antonl321 commented 3 months ago


my config line is as follow -ompt -c++=icpc -cc=icc -fortran=ifort -mpi -pthread -tag=oneapi-2023.2.1-ompi-4.1.6-ompt

I have some other news: I have installed tau via spack.

It works as expected with gcc 12 but the spack installation fails in bin-utils when I tried to install with intel 2021.10.0 So I guess the trick is to get a compatible bin-utils.

jordialcaraz commented 3 months ago


Could you try to configure TAU with:

-bfd=download -ompt -c++=icpc -cc=icc -fortran=ifort -mpi -pthread -tag=oneapi-2023.2.1-ompi-4.1.6-ompt

And report back?

The first option should download and install binutils with TAU.


antonl321 commented 3 months ago

Yes, that fixes the issues. Thanks! As a note, before the bew configure I found out that it also works if in the compilation script I add to LD_LIBRARY_PATH the bin-utils from the gcc spack installation.