UPB-Graphics / Beyond-Genesis-Client

Client for Beyond Genesis Project
MIT License
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Extended enemy AI using behavioural tree #21

Open LorenaMuja opened 2 years ago

LorenaMuja commented 2 years ago

The enemies are red when they are idle; they turn yellow when you enter a certain range and they start following you; the enemy stops following you when you exit the specific range; when they get close enough they turn green, which means that they are shooting at you. You can shoot at the enemies as well by left clicking. Their colour turns blue when their health reaches a certain threshold and they run to take cover. The shooting is not entirely implemented, you can't see the enemies or the player attacking, but the purpose of the project is to make the enemy follow, shoot at the player and take cover when their health is too low.

The demo video is bellow: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/69145969/154525211-b4e27a74-04b9-468f-96e2-fdbea90c2569.mp4